October 2013
In the UK a Baptist Minister is taken away by the
Police for preaching a sermon in a shopping centre.
He was, it seems, shouting too loudly. Someone
asked the question, why was this wrong when other
religions use megaphones in the streets of our cities?
We await the answer.
by Arnold Herron
Anglican Patrimony
This seems to be the topic of the month. David
Murphy’s articles - one last month, a second this
month - ask just what is Anglican Patrimony? We
have at least one letter on the subject; perhaps next
month there will be more.
The Croydon Group are quite clear about what the
words mean. My colleague Will Burton addresses the
question in his article on page twenty.
Last month Catherine Utley told us about the
letters from the Archbishop of Westminster and our
Ordinary. Now we have those letters, whether read
out in church or left in a pile by the church door.
Ordinariate Mass Rite
At a recent meeting the Ordinariate Clergy were
introduced to the Ordinariate Mass Rite. It will be
launched to the laity at the 1830 mass at Warwick
Street on 10th October 2013. Everyone may attend
the mass, and one hopes many will. It is an important
How many will use it? Now, that is the question.
Only time will tell us the answer. However, it is to be
hoped that even if Groups do not use it all the time,
they will avail themselves of our own special Rite for at least - some celebrations.
Meanwhile oversees Christians are singled out
for special persecution and death. In the Westgate
Shopping Mall it seems the gunmen were seeking
to kill Christians. In Pakistan, Christians were the
victims of suicide bombers; killed for attending
Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury called them
“martyrs” and he is surely correct for they were
“witnessing” to their faith by attending church.
Circulation figures:
September 2013
Page 3
a 5,957
The Portal in the Future
We have news of our own. In the March 2011
edition of The Portal our Co-Editors Jackie Ottaway
and Ronald Crane interviewed Cardinal Levada,
Prefect of the CDF and Fr Hermann Geissler of
the Doctrine Office at the CDF. You can read this
interview in the “archive” section of our Web Site.
In the December 2013 edition of The Portal
we plan to have an interview with His Eminence
Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the present Prefect of
the CDF, and with Father Hermann Geissler who is
still at the Doctrine Office of the CDF.
Make sure you do two things. Firstly: read that
earlier interview of March 2011. Secondly: make sure
you get your copy of our December 2013 edition and
these interviews.
The Portal Circulation
You may have seen in last month’s edition of The
Portal, that our readership is now up to over 6,000
people every month. As we go to press, September’s
edition has been read by pushing 6,000 people.
61% of these are in the UK: 20% in the USA and
6% in Australia. We have readers in such places as
Pakistan, Russian Federation, Israel, Malaysia, The
Vatican and most European countries.
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