November 2016
Joanna Bogle DSG has been mulling
over these three words
Auntie Jo a n
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t was very satisfying – but not surprising - to discover that the
wri tes
splendid Darlington Ordinariate were celebrating Trafalgar Day...
and, knowing them, it will have been an absolutely splendid evening. One
of the highlights of 2016 for me was the magnificent St George’s Day feast with them, the hall at Gainsford
ringing with singing, followed the next morning with even more glorious music in the packed church.
Ordinariate clergy
Traditions are important and the Ordinariate is good
at them. We are also quick to establish traditions of our
own. Plenary meetings of Ordinariate clergy have found
a home at St Patrick’s in London’s Soho Square, and part
of the tradition now is freshly-brewed coffee on arrival...
with thanks to Patti and Jackie of LOGS who organise
and preside at this. Part of the tradition is catching up
on LOGS news and views in the kitchen, often coming
up with good ideas for speakers or projects.
established is Evensong at Precious Blood Church
on Thursdays. With a small professional choir, the
candles glowing in the sanctuary, darkness gathering
beyond the high windows, it is a most lovely, lovely
A recent survey showed that Evensong in Britain’s
great cathedrals has become steadily more and more
popular over recent years. This does not surprise
me. In a rapidly-changing and often ugly world, with
uncertainty about so many things, the gloriously
reassuring words of the psalms going back and forth,
the familiar Lord’s Prayer, the sense of a day completed
and given to God, all make for something simply
authentic traditions
Establishing a tradition has its own dynamic – it
doesn’t always work as planned. Things have their own
life, and as years go by, things get added and a sense of
Carol Singing
shared memories gets developed and passed on. But
A more formal LOGS tradition is carol singing at part of what the Ordinariate is all about is gathering
London Bridge station (December 20th, starts 6.30pm the best of Anglican traditions, in music, in liturgical
– anyone in good voice who wants to join us is warmly style, in parish life, and sharing them with the wider
welcome). And this tradition has itself given rise to Church and, in due course, with future generations.
more: as of last year we’ve established the Carol Singing
Dinner afterwards, at which stories are swapped
The Church cherishes authentic traditions – not just
and enjoyed. We recall the lady who suddenly swept those within the Church, but all traditions that are, or
down on us with a large bouquet because she so much could be, filled with a Christian spirit. We are people
enjoyed our music, the various tourists who take selfies of place, people who belong to one another and have
with us as the background, the that-was-a-good-party local loyalties as well as a sense of common humanity.
types who join the singing as they hurry to their train,
with varying degrees of success.
Pope Benedict XVI, when asked abut his own sense
of identity said that as a priest he belonged to every
London Ordinariate tradition
country, everywhere, but “my heart beats Bavarian”.
Singing, but of a more dignified kind: another And our hearts too beat with the places we love and
London Ordinariate tradition that is now becoming the language we speak and the traditions we follow.