The Portal January 2017 | Page 5



January 2017 Page 5

The Sarah Initiative

Snapdragon tells a story of clerical politics

When it came to it , I felt quite nervous . You see , I had never before put an item on the deanery Clergy Meeting AGENDA . Now , there it was , staring up at me from the paper : “ Item 9 . The Sarah Initiative . ( Fr Pimpernel )”, and the Dean , a Fr O ’ Bullaigh was staring at me in what I can only call a malevolent way , and calling on me to speak .

You will not be surprised to learn that I made a real hash of it . “ Um ”, I feebly began . “ Well , I sort of … er … thought that now it ’ s a month since Advent Sunday , when Cardinal Sarah urged us to reform our liturgies and particularly mentioned the desirability of facing the same way as the , um , people . I , um , sort of thought , you know , that perhaps we could share information about how the changes went ...”
The Dean , not a slender cleric , seemed to be bulging significantly in the area between his collar and the uppermost of his chins . His eyes , too , appeared more prominent . He tried to speak , but apparently failed . I hoped that he had not become unwell , and furtively checked in my pocket that I had at the ready my Oil of the Sick . Happily , it was not to be needed : O ’ Bullaigh turned with a grunt to his crony and sidekick , a lean individual called Fr Hatchett .
Hatchett took up his biro , twisted it viciously as if subconsciously trying to strangle it , and said , “ There ’ s nothing to discuss . Our own Cardinal has made clear that no changes are to be made . End of story . If Pimpernel wants to be subversive , I had better warn him that I have the Bishop ’ s ear in this matter ”.
Resisting an adolescent temptation to say , “ I hope you give it back to him soon ”, I was just beginning to talk about how “ our own Cardinal ”, or his advisors , had made a mistake in their translation of the Latin in the Missal , when the atmosphere , most fortunately , was lightened by the entry of O ’ Bullaigh ’ s housekeeper , Mrs Doyle , with tea and sandwiches .
O ’ Bullaigh does not know it , but his family history is entwined with that of my mother ’ s family . Before the 1920s , my great grandfather had a rather nice little demesne in Co . Wicklow and O ’ Bullaigh ’ s great grandfather had , briefly , been his butler . My great grandfather had to sack him because of his indelicate manner with servant girls freshly up from the village .
As the session resumed after the Tea , I thought I detected an echo of the old O ’ Bullaigh menace in the way his great grandson turned on the three junior clerics present , transitional deacons on placement , and hectoringly demanded to know what they thought .
My heart missed a beat . You see , I knew that , in seminary , this trio had asked for training in the Old Mass , and , being refused , had taught themselves and each other in secret ; one of them having a chest-ofdrawers of altar dimensions , another having been given a Missal by his Auntie Maureen ; and the third , a chalice , the benefaction of an intelligent parishioner . Such young men have to be extremely circumspect until they have irrevocably pocketed the priesthood . But I need not have worried .
“ I think we should never impose our own personal preferences on our flocks ”, said the brightest among them . O ’ Bullaigh looked surprised , but satisfied . He clearly had not detected in these words any hint of a possible ambiguity .
Then I remembered my great grandfather telling me that old O ’ Bullaigh had been not only lecherous but stupid .
Auntie Joanna writes ... continued from page 4
The tradition and feel of the Torquay Ordinariate includes outdoor processions , music , and concern for the community . They want to be of real service to local people “ And there is general goodwill – people were glad to see the church open , as there had been a sense of sadness that it might have been closed and remain empty .”
The handover from the Methodists included a moving moment when the minister lit a candle and handed it across to Fr David with the plea “ Keep the light of faith burning here ”.
They are going to do it , and it was a pleasure to be there and watching it happening .