September 2011
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thinking about the Catholic liturgy and so on whilst in
the C of E. Our purpose now, is about how we relate
to the wider community, about a style of worship that
is distinctive. This is difficult to quantify, but it is who
Maintaining links
we are. We have not met any sloppiness in liturgy
Most of the group have C of E friends and they still here at Holy Family. Our Group thinks of itself as the
support events at each others’ churches. They have Ordinariate in the Catholic Church. It is a work in
made sure that relations are good, despite the few who progress. We are not the leaven in the lump as we were
in the C of E.”
say the word “catholic” with an edge to it!
came up she felt, like all the others, that it was time
to go. Barbara went early and waited for the others to
join. She said, “It was a real home coming.”
Kim, who together with her husband Guy
(pronounced the French way as he comes from Ottawa
in Canada), run a flooring business, said “We know
we have to pay for ourselves”, and despite their small
numbers they are determined to do so. They are, of
course assisted by the Diocese of Brentwood who have
taken on financial responsibility for Fr Lee.
a whole day get-together
We asked if they would respond to a whole day get-
together for the Ordinariate, and they were all for it. In
fact they all said they had enjoyed the day Pilgrimage
for reparation at Walsingham recently.
They meet together on a regular basis. They have
their own Sunday slot and Fr Lee was keen to point
out that from September they will have a Wednesday
evening Mass as well.
make ourselves visible
As to the vexed question of how the group grows,
Fr Lee said; “I have given an awful lot of thought
to this. We are joined by members of the regular
congregation here at Holy Family. 6pm draws some
people along. Growth will come from those who
are drawn by our experience – as in the C of E – the
clerical collar pounding the beat. Growth will come
from the local community. We have hit the ground
running. Our Pastoral team will work out how to
make ourselves visible. Up to now, it has been survival
and consolidation. Now we have the base from which
to launch out.”
Earlier, we had enjoyed time and a meal with Fr Lee
and his delightful wife, Helen. She is Head of a local
Catholic School Sixth Form and they have two teenage
boys. They have no regrets either. Their group includes
all ages including Young People. Unfortunately, the
weekend we were there coincided with most people’s
Like the people of the Benfleet Ordinariate, Fr Lee
was enthusiastic about a day long Ordinariate event.
“We need to know we are part of a wider thing,” He
incredibly generosity
continued, “These get-togethers do so much good.”
Fr Lee was honest enough to admit the group would
have struggled without the people at Holy Family.
Where would the South Benfleet Ordinariate be
“They have been incredibly generous,” he said.
in ten years time? Fr Lee had no hesitation, “Here!”
he said. “Well established, thrivi ng and making a
We wondered what he saw as the purpose of the difference to the local community, and not necessarily
South Benfleet Ordinariate? He replied, “We had been to the local Catholic Church!”
some of the South Benfleet Ordinariate Group at tea after Mass