The Portal Archive June 2012 | Page 3

THE P RTAL June 2012 Page 3 Portal News by Will Burton New Deacons Seventeen men were ordained to the Ordinariate in Westminster Cathedral in London on Saturday 26th May 2012. The largest single ordination in the UK for many years, the men - all former Anglican clergy - were ordained as deacons at the request of Monsignor Keith Newton, our Ordinary, by Bishop Alan Hopes. The celebration marks the second year of ordinations for the Ordinariate. After the service Mgr Newton reflected on the day, “It is wonderful to see these men ordained as deacons for service in the Catholic Church, within the Ordinariate. As we continue to grow and begin our work of faithful witness to the Gospel, it is important for us all to be reminded of the charism of the Deacon: proclamation, service, and Christian charity.” The homily was given by Mgr Andrew Burnham, an Assistant to the Ordinary, in which he made reference to the candidates’ many years of service and the energy, experience and wisdom which they were bringing to the Catholic Church, asking them to reflect on the mystery of servanthood, which is the focus of the diaconate and of all Christian ministry. The ordination brings the total number of clergy in the Personal Ordinariate to nearly 80. A further group of diaconal ordinations is expected in the next few weeks and over the summer all these men will be ordained to the Priesthood, usually in their local Dioceses. Royal Jubliee As you will have seen from the picture on our cover, we celebrate the Royal Jubilee this month. We are fortunate indeed to have a Monarch who makes no secret of her deep Christian Faith. Our cover also recalls those wonderful days when Pope Benedict XVI visited these shores. His Holiness and Her Majesty obviously “got on” well, an example of good relations between the Catholic Church and the Church of England. The Ordinariate in this country is an expression of those good relations. Receptive Ecumenism Last month Mgr Keith Newton gave one of the Anniversary Lectures at Saint Mary Magdalene Brighton. This series is celebrating one hundred and fifty years for the Brighton Church. Our Ordinary’s title was “The Future of Ecumenism”. He gave a thoughtful address, rehearsing the history of relations between the Catholic Church and the Church of England including ARCIC and the setting up of Ordinariates in the UK, USA and Australia. Mgr Keith Newton made the point that so many schemes have failed, until that is, His Holiness cut the knot and set up Ordinariates. The Ordinary highlighted “Receptive Ecumenism” where, in contrast to schemes where each group of Christians tell the others what they bring to the Unity Table; it is the Catholic Church that has received the riches of Anglicans and welcomed them into full communion with the See of Peter. “United, not absorbed” being the key phrase. Fr Newton addressed the question of “Anglican Patrimony” by drawing attention to this aspect of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. He quoted the Holy Father, “This should be seen as a prophetic gesture that can contribute positively to the developing relations between Anglicans and Catholics.”