The Portal Archive July 2011 | Page 8
July 2011
Page 8
Mr Colman is said to have made his money from what we leave behind on the plate.
Certainly a little goes a long way.
Intense interest will be concentrated
in the church press on the actual
numbers in the ordinariate this
summer. How many deacons and
priests have been ordained?
How encouraging then that those preparing for
priesthood have been given a programme both
stimulating and stretching. How encouraging that the
ordinariate groups have found great welcome at local
churches, have enjoyed rich fellowship within the
groups, and new inspiration in re-visiting the truths of
the faith in their catechesis.
How many lay members received? It
looks as if the figures will be around
How encouraging that the photographs of Monsignor
60 or so ordained, 1000 or so received.
But let’s wait for the certified numbers. Keith all reveal a happy smile--he may have a few
problems on his plate, but seasoned with a dash of
Small beginnings
spiritual mustard, he looks to be more than coping.
Will the numbers grow? There’s the question. Plenty
of texts support small beginnings. Remember the Holy Spirit
There is an even more important question than how
mustard seed, smallest of all seeds, growing into a
mighty bush where all the birds of the air ( representing many are joining the ordinariate. It is this. Whence
the different nations) take shelter? How true this has came the offer? From Pope Benedict alone? Or from
the Holy Spirit working towards the unity and peace of
been of the church.
Christ’s Church ? It is a sharp question. One guaranteed
Three wise men were the first fruits of the gentiles. 12 to spice up our Christian commitment wherever we
apostles only were chosen to be the foundation stones stand at this moment.
of the new Israel. Stand in St Peter’s Square and look
up at the statues of the twelve. Marvel how it all started
Corrections to the June edition
with so few ( and those despondent ) individuals on
We are sorry that there were a number of
that first Easter night. As the Good Book says “It is
mistakes in the June edition of The Portal. Here
open to the Lord to save by many or by few”.
is a list of corrections, and we apologise for our
Permanent and universal provision
Numbers joining the ordinariate will be seen by
page 4:
some as an heartening response. Others will view it
- Blessed Dominic should be spelt Barberi
as a matter of small consequence. These latter need to
- He and Newman met at 11:00 pm on
be reminded that from small acorns mighty oaks do
8th October, Newman then started his
confession and he was received into the
Church on 9th October at 6:00 pm. The Mass
At the moment we are at the seedling stage. The
was celebrated on 10th (and 11th) October.
shoots are just appearing. Like all plantings, the
ordinariate will need the warmth and encouragement
page 5:
of devoted gardeners. And time. Which is what Pope
- it is Mother Julia, not Mother Julian as it
Benedict has given us.
appears twice in the second paragraph
about The Work.
The ordinariate is not just for a year or two. Nor is it
- in the last paragraph of the first column
just for one particular country. It is a permanent and
it should be “a nineteenth century
universal provision, with enough space for us to take
theologian” and a bit further down “he led a
root and grow. How encouraging that all is!
holy life.
Keen as mustard
Mixing the metaphors, to grow we will all need to be
keen as mustard. The Catholic church, the ordinariate
within it, the Anglicans considering joining it, need all
the sharpness that the Spirit gives.
Cover photo
This month’s cover photo is © Personal
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham