The Portal Archive February 2012 | Page 14

February 2012 Page 14

Letter from America

“ Glory Be ” by Timothy Perkins

“ Complete my joy by being of the same mind , having the same love , in full accord and of one mind .” Philippians 2:2
This year has already been filled with celebration . The erection of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter on the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God , on January 1 st , was an occasion of joy , not only for us in the United States , but for all who , having been nurtured in faith within Anglicanism , are now coming into the fullness of the Catholic Church .
This time of rejoicing transcends the present moment . It draws to mind the blessings of times past , is experienced in the here and now , inspires confidence for the future , and awakens hope that knows no end . It awakens the perception of a complete joy of the sort that St Paul recognised could be experienced only through unity .
“ As it was ”
A particular occasion of the past in which we rejoiced last month was the establishment of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham on January 15 th last year . The remembrance marks a momentous first step in the fulfilment of the Holy Father ’ s vision of incorporating our Anglican patrimony into the life of the Catholic Church .
In his remarks on the occasion , Monsignor Newton expressed what I believe all of us feel , “ The sentiments of joy and thanksgiving , two great Christian words , are ones which should characterise our first anniversary celebration .”
Similar “ sentiments of joy and thanksgiving ” were apparent at the Epiphany gathering of the small community of St Peter the Rock with whom I serve in Arlington , Texas . The following day was the anniversary of our first offering of worship at the Chapel of the Catholic Centre in Fort Worth . same day that the U . S . Ordinariate was established , the large majority of those who had been members of St Timothy ’ s Episcopal Church in Fort Worth , Texas , left their former property and began preparing to enter full communion with the Holy See .
While they are beginning to receive instruction , others from throughout this region are completing their formation and will be received this coming Easter . At the same time , six former clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are in discernment in hope of ordination as Catholic priests .
“ Shall be ”
Much has happened in recent months and years for which we are rightly thankful and filled with joy . But I believe all of us who are blessed to be part of the great movement of the Spirit that is restoring us to the unity of the Faith , recognise that we are only beginning the work the Lord is giving us to do .
Only when all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus are “ of the same mind , having the same love , in full accord and of one mind ” within the unity of the Body of Christ will our joy be complete .
Along with the faithful who have become the St John Vianney Community in Cleburne , we began a journey that day that would culminate in our reception into the full communion of the Church at St Patrick ’ s Cathedral on September 25th , 2011 .
“ Is now ”
This joy is being made more complete as we continue to work for the unity for which Christ prayed . On the www . usordinariate . org