December 2011
Page 5
He continued thoughtfully, “I was reading on one
would be more important than where. We do need a
of the web sites, I forget which, about the soon to be
gathering, national, with worship and socialising.”
erected Ordinariate in the USA. A Group committed
The Revd Father Christopher Lindlar
to Anglican Patrimony, would be a good answer to
Whilst with this inspirational Group, we spent time your question. Preserve locally the treasurers the Holy
with their priest Fr Christopher. He laughed at the Father wants preserved and shared where the C of E
suggestion that he might have regrets about joining the no longer wants to.”
Ordinariate. “No,” he laughed, “It was a great relief!”
After a moment’s reflection he went on, “Say the Office
He thought he had brought about sixteen people Hymns of J. M. Neale. Yet we are not a preservation
society. We have a ‘high’ doctrine of
with him. “It is the old story,” he
liturgy, and that is deliberate.
said, “When we began to talk about
it there were fifty, then it got to thirty
The Ordinariate appeals to two
and when it came to it there were
i) Lapsed Catholics looking for a
age profile
way back in; and
ii) The New Evangelisation, the
Jackie expressed the view that
being a pioneer was not for everyone.
Fr Christopher did not see himself
We set before people the beauty of holiness, the
as a pioneer. “I am fifty-six. I was brought up on
Shakespeare, the Book of Common Prayer, and the holiness of beauty. It attracts. It is tasty and moreish!
Authorized Version of the Bible: they are deep-seated We have to share it with those not Baptised, it is a
within me. I had never used the Rom