The Portal Archive April 2013 | Page 12

THE P RTAL Rome and Assisi Supplement Page ii Homily Preached by Archbishop Gerhard Müller at Saint Peter’s, Rome on Thursday 28th February, 2013 My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is a great pleasure to be present with you during your pilgrimage to the tomb of the apostle Peter. It is always a great joy to be in this place, which is a sign for us of the communion we share with our Holy Father, and also a reminder of the apostolic mission in which we collaborate with him as fellow workers in the vineyard. great project of Christian unity I know, too, that it is a particular joy for those of you who have travelled the journey into that communion from the Anglican tradition as part of this great project of Christian unity which our Holy Father has begun. You will receive much reward for your courage, and for your fidelity to the pursuit of truth. You bring a rich patrimony and heritage, which does not only nourish your own faith, but is a ‘treasure to be shared’ with the whole Church (cf. Anglicanorum coetibus III). recall your own pilgrimage into full communion Together, united in that bond of communion, the Church now journeys through the season of Lent, toward the passion, death, and resurrection of our blessed Lord. This pilgrimage has a particular poignancy for you, as you recall your own pilgrimage into full communion during this season in recent years. The trust with which you set out to fulfil that call to unity, is a reminder for us all to trust in the Lord’s providence, because in doing so we open our hearts not to our own will, but to the will of the Lord himself. We ‘put out into the deep’, in faith, and in complete trust of God (cf. Luke 5:4). Mgr Jeffrey Steenson, Abp Gerhard Müller & Mgr Keith Newton we will not simply survive, but flourish and become beacons of hope, drawing others into a profound and intimate relationship with him. trust in the Lord In these early moments in the life of the Personal Ordinariates, such faith is no luxury! You are forced to trust in the Lord because you have placed yourselves so utterly and courageously into his hands. This is a powerful witness to us all, but also a particular moment of grace for you. With your patron, the Blessed John Henry Newman, ‘do not ask to see / The distant scene’, but rather allow that trust to manifest itself in seek to be faithful your prayer, in your charity, and in your fervour for In the First Reading, from the prophecy of Jeremiah, the Gospel. Be joyful in the knowledge that ‘He who those who trust in the Lord are compared to ‘a tree calls you is faithful’ (1 Thess. 5:24), because it is that planted by water [that] does not cease to bear fruit’ joy which will draw others into a deeper and more (Jer. 17: 8). This is an essential message for you who profound relationship with us, and with the Lord. now have the task of establishing and growing the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and Mary shows us way indeed for all of us who seek to be faithful to the call of And if we seek the perfect model of Christian joy, the Lord. We are assured that our fidelity to the Lord then Mary shows us way: she, who bore God himself will never leave us stranded nor alone, rather, that in her womb and rejoiced in trusting obedience to his faith is the very thing that gives us life. If we place our will, giving herself entirely over to him. As she was trust fully in the Lord, then, like Mary, Our Lady of filled with a deep joy, through her intercession may Walsingham, we will see the fulfilment of that trust in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham the eternal life promised to us: the Promised Land of become a place where the joy of Christ himself may be heaven toward which we journey from the moment of found - a Holy House in which all who seek the Lord our baptism. Indeed, if we place our trust in the Lord may find him.