She practically had to start from scratch to rebuild the want extended to ourselves. No
sector because there was no structure in place which
human being is flawless, we all
she could leapfrog from, and in just 2 short years she
has transformed the industry and set very achievable
have our shortcomings and our
goals for the next 2 years to consolidate her efforts
thus far. Now we can all sit here and pontificate about
weaknesses, but if we learn to
this, that and the other, and complain about the pace
of development till we’re blue in the face, but the fact overlook them and focus on our
still remains that her work thus far is evident and visible to all who choose to see, and therefore she should collective strengths, then there
be commended and congratulated for a job well done.
is nothing we will not be able to
I don’t know when encouraging a public official who achieve as a nation.
is working tirelessly to do her position justice became
a Federal crime? With all that the Fashola administration has done in Lagos State, there are still many
voices who cannot help but find something to malign
him with. From high taxation, to the increasing debt
burden of the state, Fashola’s critics seem to be having
a field day maligning his efforts and they’re attempting to dismiss all his labours as Governor of Lagos as
superficial. This is the reality for public office holders in Nigeria, it is practically a thankless job and
anybody who embarks a mission to become a public
office holder must have an extremely thick skin, and
be able to ignore their critics whilst remaining focused
on the job at hand.
As a Nigerian, I am proud of the
exceptional work that Princess
Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi has
done since assuming office, and
I look forward with great eagerness to what she will accomplish
for Nigerians in the next 2 years.
Let us learn to appreciate our
public servants and extend them
the same curtsey which we would
Princess Stella, thank you for
breathing new life into our aviation sector. You have started
well and we believe that you will
equally end well. Thank you once
again for being the proverbial
“wind beneath our wings”. May
God bless you.