It is basic economics, the more of “something” you
have in circulation, the less valuable it becomes. The
reason why Gold is so valuable is because there isn’t
a lot of it in the world, it’s a rare commodity. Nigeria
must intensify its mining operations and under the
leadership of Musa Mohammed Sada we are beginning to see this happen. As a nation, we need to start
building up our mineral reserves. We are already
endowed with so much minerals so we do not need to
buy it, we simply need to exponentially increase our
mining output because the $dollar does not have long
to go before it finally collapses.
China is the biggest buyer of minerals, they have
the largest deposit of Gold in the world and they mine
it and store it. The Chinese do not sell their minerals
because they know that in the coming fiscal tsunami
that will soon hit the world, paper money will have
no value and the only thing which nations will be able
to trade with is minerals. As the Federal Minister of
mines and steel development, his Excellency Musa
Mohammed Sada is working tirelessly to protect Nigeria from the coming economic storm. His knowledge
in mining will help to secure the economic future of
this nation and see to it that we do not fall victim to
the fiscal incompetence of the western democracies.
Africa must understand that
it has “real” wealth under
its soil and we need to begin to cultivate and store it in
preparation for what is coming. We need to stop chasing
$dollars and start mining more
and more minerals because
they’re the true wealth. America prints paper and gives it to
us in return for our precious
minerals, they’re treating us as
fools and enough is enough.
If they want anybody to take their paper money seri-
ously then they need to stop printing it, because if they
don’t, it will become as worthless as monopoly money. We need more and more leaders like Musa Mohammed Sada occupying state governments across the
federation. Men who are in tune with the happenings
of the times and have not bought into that old colonial
lie that “white is right” because they know better. The
manner in which the European and American economies were shaken in 2008 and continue to shake till
today has shown the whole world just how unstable
their economies are. Cyprus went bankrupt and as we
speak nations such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Ireland
are on the verge of total economic collapse.
We have nothing to learn from the western democ-
racies any longer, and if we copy their system then we
will only end up suffering the same fate. We need to
look to China and model our economies around theirs,
because they have become the strongest economy in
the world and it didn’t happen by chance. We need to
look closely at what they did in order to attain such
a lofty height and then reproduce it in every state
across the federation. The governments (both state
and federal) need to look at alternative ways of raising
revenue instead of borrowing. We need to stop running
to the World Bank and the IMF each time we need
money because they’re slowly getting us into massive
debts which our children and grandchildren will have
to contend with. Debt is bondage, and borrower will
always be the slave of the lender.
I repeat, we need to look at China and study what
they did. They stayed away from the two evils (World
Bank and the IMF) and simply went into manufacturing and as a consequence they have become the market of the world. Everything we use is made in China.
They manufactured their way to the top of the food
chain and now the whole world is at their feet. They’re
so rich that even America owes them over a Trillion
$dollars. Isn’t it ironic that America (the country that
prints and owns the $dollar) owes China $1 Trillion
dollars? This is the reality of the modern world and
America is becoming the economic laughing stock of
the world.