Such murderous conduct is against the They’re not resting in peace because they left before
their time. Put down your weapons and talk to us. Our
teachings of both the Bible and the ears are open and we are willing to talk, but you must
because we
Quran. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus lower your weaponsyou continuecannot stand idly by as
a nation and watch
to destroy innocent
Christ said and I quote “Blessed are the lives, not on our watch and not during the watch of
peace makers for theirs is the Kingdom President Goodluck Jonathan.
of Heaven”. The Prophet Muhammed
As the head of state and President of the federal re(peace be upon him) said and I quote public of Nigeria, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
swore to protect the lives and properties of all Nige“Do you know what is better than
rians and therefore he had no choice, but to declare a
charity, fasting and prayer? Keeping state of emergency in the troubled parts of the country.
peace and good relations between peo- That is part of what he was elected to do and the nation
is 100% behind him. The time to heal our nation has
ple, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy come. Let us put away the bad looks and the bad blood
that is stifling our economic growth and hindering the
full manifestation of our national potential.
Both our lord and personal saviour Jesus Christ the
Son of God and the Prophet Muhammed (peace be
upon him) advocate nothing but peace, and cordial
relations between all people groups irrespective of
their ethnic origins or religious affiliations. We are all
human beings, born of a woman and are all destined to
die one day, and this body that we so much cherish and
indeed almost worship, will return to the dust from
which it came.
It is appointed for all Men to die and after death is the
judgment. What will you tell God when he asks you
the reason why you murdered so many innocent people who have not done anything to you? What will you
tell him on that dreadful and terrible day of judgement,
when the books of our lives will be opened and everything we have done is laid bare? Can’t you see that
hatred solves nothing? My dear Christian and Muslim
brothers, it is high time we put away our differences,
come together, and sit down like the civilised people
that we are, and iron out our differences. We owe it to
our children and also to generations yet unborn, to
seek a peaceful resolution to our problems so that they
can have a Nigeria to inherit. Boko Haram, I call upon
you to put down your weapons and stop the slaughter
of the innocent across the nation.
You are spilling precious blood, and the precious
blood of all those you have slain are already calling
for vengeance from the grave. Can’t you hear them?
We are the envy of the World because of our vast human and natural resources. I don’t think that many of
us know what we have or who we are as Nigerians. It is
time for us to sit down at the table of brotherhood and
reason together. North and South, Muslim and Christian, we are one people, Nigerians, a people of class
and incredible worth and as a nation, we are poised to
become one of the most industrialized countries in the
world by 2030.
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