I personally believe that they’re people who love nothing more than to sit down on their blessed assurances and tear down the image of our nation, and the minute you begin to speak up for Nigeria, they automatically assume that you have been bribed by some politician to do so. How did our minds become so bastardised as a nation? What happened to us? Why do we behave as if our country is the worst country in the World? We should travel to Sudan and Zimbabwe and Rwanda and Burundi and so many other countries, and then compare them to Nigeria. Perhaps then we will begin to appreciate our country a bit more and begin to seek for ways to improve our nation and the lot of our people. Thanks to social networking sites like Facebook, so many unelected and un-appointed wannabe politicians use these platforms to spew out garbage about Nigeria from morning till night. They all know how to solve Nigeria’s problems and yet they won’t even join a political party or start an NGO, or even visit a motherless baby’s home and give out milk and pampers. All they know how to do is insult public office holders who are not even reading any of their stupid blogs or comments anyway. I am yet to meet a Nigerian in all my travels who doesn’t know how to fix Nigeria. They all have the answers and yet most of them can’t even keep their marriages together. You can’t even keep your marriage together and yet you believe that you can keep the North and South together. What a bunch of clowns! Keep talking, after all that’s all you’re good for. The rest of us will keep working to improve our nation by investing in the country through starting companies and creating jobs and praying for our leaders that God will give them wisdom and strength to make the right decisions, and continuing to speak well of our nation whenever we’re abroad. Nigeria is a blessed nation and cursed be they who curse this country of ours, and may their negative words return upon them and their generations. America has dropped more bombs than most people have had hot dinners, and there is still a great divide economically between the Blacks and the Whites and yet, I have never met an American who wanted to be from another Country. They’re so patriotic, so proud to be Americans despite all their shortcomings, and yet Nigerians would rather spend their time on social networks rubbishing their country, and washing their dirty linens in public. 42 Nigeria has a destiny and no mov divide the country, we simply won disagreements, then we should sit discuss them, and if tensions have no longer bring ourselves to the ta involve the United Nations. Let th skilled in the art of mediation and our meetings, but under no circum arms and begin to slaughter innoc