female Executive Director of Shell Petroleum Nigeria. She is an exceptionally talented and highly astute
woman with phenomenal interpersonal skills, whose
gift of oratory has served the nation well as she represents us at conferences and strategic meetings all over
the world.
She has raised the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector to
unheard of. The natural Gas industry is also about to
be propelled to centre state as the honourable minister
and her team prepare to begin extracting the 187 trillion cubic feet of Gas reserves sitting below the surface.
A move that will create well over a million jobs over
the next decade and bring revenues in excess of a trillion dollars into the country, revenues that will develop
our nation and transform it into the “Singapore” of
Sub-Saharan Africa.
“giddy” heights and has shown the World that Nigeria isn’t just open for business, but that it is open for
“ethical” business. As a nation, we have suffered from
As a nation, we must learn to encourage our leaders
the pens of unpatriotic journalists within our borders,
and not just seek for ways to bring them down. If an
Men and Women who profess to be Nigerian with
elected/appointed official is found guilty of miscontheir lips but their works betray them. They have sold
duct then by all means criticize them and bring them
a highly “toxic” image of Nigeria to the outside world
to order, but make sure that your criticism is based on
and given our enemies ample ammunition with
proven facts and not on idle speculation and prewhich to malign us as a people. There
disposed prejudice, because words once
Constructive critare so many Nigerians in differuttered cannot be retracted. . On the
icism is highly effective other hand, when they’re found
ent parts of the globe who are
not involved in any form of
if it’s just that “constructive”, to be doing what is right and
criminal activity, and yet
and the one’s being criticized un- fulfilling their ministerial
their stories are never
der such conditions are more likely obligations, we should ????)???????)?????????????)????????????????????????????????]???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????)!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????)=???????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????)????????????????????)%??????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????)]?????????????????)????????????????????9???????????????????????????)???????????????????????)????????????????????)??????????????????????????)???????)???????????????????????????????)?????!????????????????????5?????????A???
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