Secondly, we can expect to see the completion
Already we can see expedited work on the
Lagos-Ibadan express way, a major highway
which has plagued users for generations.
of the privatisation drive of the power sector and
Nigerians will at last have access to 24hr electricity supply, something which has eluded them for
generations. Private companies will soon take over
this sector and begin to provide Nigerians their
long awaited power supply. Within the next 2 years
we can also expect to see a huge reduction in our
national debt due to the excess revenue that we will
receive as a result of the increase in world crude oil
prices that is imminent. The price of crude oil is set
to rise significantly once again due to the political
instability of the Middle Eastern political terrain.
Iran, a major oil supplier has been a proverbial
“thorn in the flesh” of the Western democracies for
well over 2 decades and the threat of war in that
region will certainly threaten the supply of crude oil
and force prices to soar. Politics and Economics are
Siamese twins and it is extremely difficult to surgically divide the two of them, especially in a world
where crude oil is so vital to economic growth and
to the continuity of modern civilisation.
The excess crude revenues that our nation will
realise as a result of the political crisis/uncertainty
in the Middle East will be used by the Goodluck
Jonathan administration to pay our national debt
and bolster our foreign ($dollar) reserves. I will
also like to see the government building our Gold
and Silver reserves also, so that when the American
dollar collapses (something that will occur within
the next 5-10 years) Nigeria’s economy will not be
wiped out with the rest of the un-informed nations
of the world who have bought into the lie that say’s
that somehow the American economy is indestructible.
America is no longer the global economic super
we can expect to see the completion of the
privatisation drive of the power sector and
Nigerians will at last have access to 24hr
electricity supply
power, China has taken over and America’s national
debt which is approaching 20 Trillion dollars can
never be repaid by them, so their economy as well
as their currency is on life support machine. An
economist worth their salt would testify to this fact.
America is falling and the dollar is falling with it
and any nation that keeps the bulk of their foreign
reserves in dollars is heading for a major economic