The Pokemon digest Volume 1 October 4 2013 | Page 2

In the latest Pokémon episode we find our heroes (ash,iris,cilan) exploring through the capacia islands mountains, but they are stopped by the nighttime. While everyone is fast asleep cilan, pikachu, and axew are awaken by a big blue glowing crystal that, turns into a Pokémon named jirachi. Pikachu and axew try to make friends with the intimidated jirachi, while iris and cilan hide and watch in amazement. Ash wakes up and quickly discovers what's happening, he runs to jirachi and try's to talk to it, but jirachi runs away, which ruins pikachu and axew's plan. Morning arrives and our Heroes pack up and chat about jirachi's appearance, but out of nowhere a girl runs up to them and asks them where jirachi went and she desperately try's to climb the mountain calling for jirachi, but instead she just falls and hurts herself. Our heroes take the girl to her home, where her mother (lotus) explains that her daughter (jema) is after jirachi so jirachi can grant the wish to bring all the trees, plants, and water back to the mountains. Cilan explains that jirachi is out only for 7 days, so they set a plan to help jema look for jirachi. Meanwhile, team rock is outside listening and they come up with an evil plan to steal jirachi once our heroes find jirachi.