The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Page 64

School Coat of Arms
Pocklington School is a modern 21st century institution where our long history and rich sense of tradition remains a hugely valuable asset .
Our Coat of Arms has been redrawn to better meet the modern methods of communication , but used with care on our materials , it is an attractive and highly effective visual device for linking past and present .
Note : We also have a single colour outline version ( right ) that can be used in place of the full colour Coat of Arms ( See page 5 for more details ).
Pocklington Prep School
This school identity is used to identify and market the Prep School . It takes a wheatsheaf from the Coat of Arms as its symbol to reflect the connection with our past and is used across all external and internal communications .
Pocklington School ( and
This school identity is used and market the Senior Sch Form . It takes a wheatshe Coat of Arms as its symbo the connection with our p used across all external an communications .
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Pocklington School West Green Pocklington York YO42 2NJ Telephone + 44 1759 321200 www . pocklingtonschool . com
Charity Number 529834