In pre-Covid times many Fourth Year pupils at Pocklington would have jumped at the opportunity to improve their language skills and would take part in an exchange trip or study tour to Spain , France or Germany . This year , with travel opportunities to Europe curtailed , the Languages Department decided to embark on the next best option and so we set up virtual exchanges with our partner schools in Zaragoza , Spain and Alfeld , Germany .
Our Spanish partner school ‘ La Salle Gran Vía ’ is located in the city of Zaragoza , on the banks of the River Ebro , in the region of Aragon in Northern Spain , midway between Madrid and Barcelona . The Romans called the city Caesaraugusta , from which the present name derives . Today it is a warm , vibrant and modern city , the fifth largest in Spain , and Pocklington pupils have enjoyed finding out about its rich culture and heritage .
In the Lent Term , Fourth Year pupils studying Spanish , were paired up with Spanish pupils of a similar age and with similar interests . They began to correspond with one another initially via email and , latterly , as they have got to know one another , via social media .
Hattie H , aside from getting to know her Spanish pen pal Lara , has found out about the Spanish exam system , has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of various sports , compared experiences of living through the pandemic , and she has learned about Lara ’ s family and home life .
Aleck has enjoyed learning some Spanish slang , has compared free-time activities with his partner , and learned about the differences between Spanish and British schools .
After 20 successful exchanges to our partner school in Alfeld , Germany , we couldn ’ t let Covid-19 get in the way this year and so we went virtual ! Six pupils from Fourth and Fifth Year signed up for this experience and have since been getting to know their German partners over email . Pupils have been able to practise their German in a real life experience and see the true purpose of learning another language – communication ! Topics of conversation have included lockdown lifestyles , difference in the school system and general day-to-day or freetime habits . Our pupils have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their partners and , hopefully , next year , we will be able to progress our virtual exchange even further .
Alfeld is a lovely town in the region of Lower Saxony . It is the second biggest town in Hildesheim and is well-known for its UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘ Fagus Factory ’, which is a renowned site designed by Walter Gropius . It has lots of little boutiques and some very quaint cake shops on offer . It is also well known for its surroundings and , in particular , the seven mountains , which many link to the popular Grimm ’ s fairy-tale ‘ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ’. The SAPPI paper factory has become the main landmark of Alfeld , as you can see its large tower for miles !
Taking part on the Virtual Exchange has enabled pupils to practise reading and writing Spanish and German for a real audience ! They have had to think about their grammar and spelling , as they have wanted to make a good impression on their pen pals . Their compassion and understanding of others has deepened as they have learned about cultural differences and similarities between Spain or Germany and the UK . They have improved their social skills , made new friends and discovered common bonds . Above all , it has been an enjoyable experience and a beneficial one prior to GCSE . We hope one day in the near future to be able to visit our partner school Alfeld once again and get to know Zaragoza better .