Life over the last 18 months has been interesting and unusual for everyone in the world , and Dolman boarding did not escape ! We started the year in the same manner we start every year : apprehensive , enthusiastic , excited and open to new ideas and new friendships . The staff and students had already experienced one lockdown , but this did not dampen the boys ’ spirits . Our activities began socially distanced , but we still managed to have lots of fun . As time progressed , it became clear the UK would be going into a second lockdown but the boys took this in their stride – instead of going shopping they gave the staff weekly shopping lists , so their snacks and sweets still arrived as regularly as ever ! Activities were all on site , meaning that some students had arrived in September and , by December , they had not left the school grounds but had still managed team-building activities , fire building , zorbing , football shootouts and NERF wars . Life in Dolman continued with minimal impact from outside .
When the boys departed for the Christmas holidays , we were all unsure about when they would return , how we would all be impacted , and when we would see each other again . When January arrived Dolman Boarding was a very small group of close friends , having only five out of almost 20 boys return to start the new term , we spend our time having fun and entertaining ourselves . Mrs Woodcock became famous for her burger night and Mrs Bradshaw introduce the boys to the art of smoothie making . After a few weeks , it became necessary to merge the two boys houses and this , in itself , presented challenges and change , but it also presented the opportunity to catch up with boys who had previously left Dolman and moved up to Fenwick-Smith House , as well as the chance to make some great new friends . The Dolman boys reintroduced hide and seek to the senior boys who seemed to remember their childhood ; it all came flooding back and they ran around the house hiding and jumping out on people . When it was time to return to Dolman , we were a little sad to be leaving our new friends behind , but meeting up on the field for inter-boarding house football has been a real positive to come out of it .
The Summer Term has been refreshing – the boys can return to Sainsburys and Danby ’ s , trips to the zoo and Flamingo land can happen again , and the sun has been shining , making us all feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel .
One thing that has struck me more than anything else , this year , is the impact the pandemic and the lockdowns have had on the boys in a positive way . In the boarding house we have seen some of the strongest friendships forming ; the boys are so open and warm to each other , they laugh all the time and are genuinely grateful for the small things , like a tub of popcorn , or a sleep over in the common room with their friends .
This year , Dolman boys have shown us that it ’ s not the big things that are important but the small things . The time we are together , chatting over the chocolate cake , talking about their day and just having friends around , are the greatest gifts any of us could have .