The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Página 11



Despite the restrictions of operating with our ‘ bubble ’ areas , the sun shone brightly over the week , and we saw such a wide variety of charity events coordinated by all the year groups .
From the highly competitive Crossbar Challenge to wet sponges aimed at the teachers , sponsored silence and some glorious cake stalls , there was plenty of opportunity for pupils to get involved and donate generously to our chosen charity this year , Peasholme Charity for the Homeless , who are based in York . It was great to see the form groups working together , coming up with ideas and solving problems ‘ on the hoof ’ – there was a real buzz around school .
The three-day extravaganza raised £ 1253 , with special mentions going to 1 Wilberforce , 3 Dolman and 3 Wilberforce , who all raised well over £ 100 over the three days !
It has been a pleasure to work with the Charity Committee over the year , and particular thanks must go to Kate Newbould who has led the Committee expertly through faceto-face and lockdown events .
We are looking forward to working with the new team , led by Alice Howie , in September 2021 and with the School Walk back in the calendar for 2022 !