The Pocklingtonian 2019/20 | Page 9

Since joining the school in 2000 , Angie has made it her mission to put the library , and a love of reading , at the heart of Pocklington life . This is quite literally the case – when Angie joined , the library was housed in what is now the chapel !
Under Angie ’ s oversight , the last 20 years have seen the library relocated , redesigned , and reimagined as a modern , welcoming facility that is one most distinctive spaces in our school community , playing host to a wide range of events and gatherings in addition to its role as a centre of learning . Angie has also worked tirelessly to ensure that the library remains contemporary , relevant and progressive in its approach , curating an ever-widening range of electronic resources and championing the use of the library – physically and virtually – with staff , parents and pupils . Her efforts have extended to supporting the prep school with the development of their own library provision .
Angie always has one eye on the horizon , looking for future opportunities and developments that may help to support colleagues with their own teaching and learning as well as evolving the library ’ s own provision . She has been generous in her support of us all .... but is also not afraid to dole out a little ‘ tough love ’ when needed ! Angie is also passionate about study skills , and the process of learning . She was an inaugural member of the staff team who introduced the EPQ to Pocklington , and has supervised many students to the successful realisation of their final projects , as well as guiding students with their research and sourcing materials for them via the British Library .
More recently , she has ensured that the Drop Everything and Read initiative has become an integral part of school life and has been a stalwart supporter of our evolving revision skills programme .
Over the years , Angie ’ s passion for the written word , as well as her kindness , sense of humour – and plain speaking ! – have not only helped to develop the library as a physical space , but also to nurture a committed team of assistant librarians and student assistants as well as the many generations of Pocklingtonians who have passed through the library ’ s doors .
For many Pocklingtonians , past and present , ‘ Mrs E ’ has become one of Pock ’ s ‘ living legends ’. Whether on the receiving end of the iron rod of her library rules ( there aren ’ t many ... but woe betide you if your mobile phone appears in the library !) or her words of wisdom and guidance , Angie ’ s support to the Pocklington community has extended far beyond the remit of any formal job description .
On first speaking to Frances you immediately know that her roots are not from Yorkshire . You might be forgiven for thinking that Frances is American but Frances spent many of her early years in Canada and apart from being an excellent mathematician Frances is apparently a fluent French Speaker , not that we have ever put that to the test . Frances left Canada after her Examens du Ministere and went onto study for A levels ( all 5 of them ) at Alleyn ’ s School , Dulwich before going to Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford where she graduated in Engineering .
After a year in the city she decided the financial world wasn ’ t where her heart was and embarked on a teaching career at Woldingham School in Surrey . It was from here that Frances joined Pocklington in September 2018 . Not knowing the area very well , Frances rented a flat in York , away from a bus route , assuming that by the time she arrived at Pocklington she would have passed her driving test – a big mistake ! Unfortunately , driving didn ’ t come naturally to Frances and initially Frances had a difficult commute but got very fit in the process as she walked miles daily to and from the , not very near , bus stop . The department , I think , were just as pleased as Frances was when she finally passed her test .
Frances leaves us after only two years to take up a mathematics and physics teaching position at James Allen Girls ’ School , London , just across the road
from Alleyn ’ s where she originally started her education in England . We will be sad to see Frances go as she offered much to the school , not only in her reflective teaching but as the Oxbridge and Elite Course Advisor and with her involvement as a Sixth Form Tutor in Gruggen House . Frances ’ s guidance and ability to share her Oxbridge experience coupled with her time overseas were invaluable ; she quickly became the ‘ go-to ’ person for many students able to share with them her experiences of living and working away from family and friends .
We wish Frances much happiness and success and we hope that Dan and Frances eventually get to enjoy their wedding next year , a year later than planned .