Combined Cadet Force report
Pocklington CCF prides itself on providing an opportunity beyond the classroom like no other . For cadets joining in the Fourth year , our training programme includes skill at arms training as well as leadership and team building opportunities ( plus plenty more !) that year on year , push our students outside of their comfort zone and towards adventures and challenges that will long last in their memories .
By the time our cadets retire at the end of their Upper Sixth year , they will have taken part in three Pocklington Remembrance Parades , two Biennial Inspections , potentially three residential Summer Camps as well as ( if they opt to go ) our Adventurous Training trip to Keswick . They will also have played a key role in the delivery of training and supervision and leadership of our younger cadets . The Cadet Force is a unique organisation and I am hugely proud of our achievements this year . My heartfelt thanks go out to the Cadets and Officers for their endless enthusiasm and I wish our Senior NCOs the very best of luck as they leave for pastures new knowing that the Contingent is in the safe and very capable hands with our new leadership team .
I am delighted to announce that CCF colours have been awarded this year to : Cadet WO1 Edward James , Cadet WO2 Afonso Spencer and Cadet C / Sgt Lauren Watkins-Hargan for going above and beyond in representing Pocklington CCF . Both Edward and Afonso successfully completed the Master Cadet Qualification and Lauren took in a two week long field craft exercise supporting Canadian Cadets in their expedition to the UK .
I am equally excited to announce that Contingent Commander ’ s Commendations are awarded for the first time , given for exceptional commitment and service , to Sgt Cameron Adams , Sgt Ellie Harrison and Flt Sgt Joshua Toulmin .
I would like to finish with a special mention to Flt Lt Dare who has recently been awarded with a Cadet Forces Medal Clasp for 18 years service . Flt Lt Dare has supported countless RAF cadets during his Cadet Force career so far and I look forward to working with him for many more years to come .
Major S Cheadle Contingent Commander
The year started off well , with new Fourth year cadets starting their cadet training syllabus and the Fifth year cadre starting on their path to become our next Platoon NCOs .
This year , for the first time , our Fourth year Cadet GP rifle training culminated in firing on the DCCT ( Dismounted Close Combat Trainer ) at Strensall Barracks . This allowed our cadets to gain confidence with operating the rifle , a chance to practice and gain confidence in the marksmanship principles and their own ability without the added distraction of poor weather . The rifle fired at the DCCT is packed with sensors to enable analysis of every shot fired and we were able to award many marksmanship qualifications as a result . The Contingent is now in the enviable position of having two Officers qualified to run the DCCT and we hope to use this facility to grow a CCF shooting team next year .
Early on in the year we were disappointed to hear that the Welbeck STEM cadet competition had been cancelled due to the close down of the college at the end of this academic year . This has always been a significant event in the calendar for our Fourth year
Army Cadets and we were all sad to see the end to this era .
As we hit the Lent term , attention turned to the Fifth year Cadre exercise , with lots of planning taking place and Officers all set to support it . Cadet WO2 Spencer led the exercise planning this year and he was aiming to provide a challenging culmination of the cadre training whilst giving the Cadre a chance to show off their skills in the field attained over the previous year and a half .
Planning was also taking place for the summer camp at Wathgill and the contingent led 24 hr exercise , recce ’ s being planned , stores to enable a silent minefield breach were being put together , Officers were organised and looking forward to it .
Then it happened , the Government announcement that lockdown would start , and the school closed to all but key worker ’ s children . All cadet military training stopped .
All we can do now is look forward to a new start hopefully in September and whatever changes that might bring to the training syllabus .
Lt A Clark Head of Army
This has been another very positive year , for the CCF RAF section , despite the cessation of training in mid-March . The highlights of the RAF training programme are always our fantastic experiences and flying at RAF Linton on Ouse and Ground training at RAF Topcliffe . With two dates every term on offer , every cadet in the section has had the opportunity to go flying in Grob Tutors , the RAF ’ s 2 seater training aircraft , at least once this year . Cadets are shown the basic controls and get to fly the aircraft themselves with highly experienced and trained RAF pilots . For the more adventurous ( most do try !) they have the opportunity to fly various