My host family was great, they have two
huskies called Luna and Baloo. They´re
so cute and I took them for a walk
every day with Lara. On the weekend
I went to a dance on Saturday it was
great because I got to meet all of Lara’s
friends and on Sunday I was actually
taken around Grünenplan by Lara
and one of her best friends Helen, who
was really nice and helped me with my
I was very sad to leave my lovely host
family and I hope to visit Germany
again soon!
On the first day into the activities we
had two lessons with our partners and
then we were greeted by the schools
headmaster, and a organised school
band which was fabulous, and they
played one of my favourite songs from
Mamma Mia, which couldn’t have
been played any better.
I got into my suit to get ready for the
‘Prom’ (Party), that some of us went to.
It was great and it was great fun, we did
lots of dancing and ate and drank loads.
When I arrived in Hannover I was very
tired and confused so didn’t speak much
German or understand very much. As
the week went on I got more confident
and started understanding people and
forming sentences faster.
I have had the best time ever! All the
people are so nice and I have made
so many friends for life! Thank you so
much Mr. Galloway and Mrs. Wright
for the best experience ever! My Host
family was so nice and I can’t have
imagined a better half term!
Overall I am very happy I came on the
exchange as it has not only given me the
chance to improve my German but also
to make new friends and have amazing
experiences that I otherwise wouldn’t
have had. Many people helped to make
my stay pleasant and enjoyable and I
am thankful to everyone who helped
make this trip possible.
“When I arrived at Pocklington in September
1999, I really wanted to set up a German
Exchange, as I had taken part in three as a
school pupil myself and had organised one
for eight years at my previous school. I have
seen how much benefit students gain from
exchanges, both in terms of language skills,
and knowledge of other cultures and countries,
not to mention having lots of fun along the
way making memories and friendships which
can last a lifetime - I am still in touch with
partners from my school time, and that is a
long, long time ago!
The link with Alfeld has been going 19 years
and many exchange participants are still in
touch with partners, and even family holidays
have been undertaken with partners and their
families! I hope the exchange will continue for
another 19 years at least, and know that both
Pocklington School and Gymnasium Alfeld
are 100% committed to more exchanges and
links in the future.”
We shall all miss Mr. Galloway’s
involvement. Thank you for all you
have done.
Mr. Galloway, Head of Modern
Languages at Pocklington School: