The Pocklingtonian 2018/19 | Page 94

DRAMA// EXAMINATIONS A1 LEVEL & GCSE Congratulations to all those who performed so admirably in their Al Levels and GCSEs. A fine range of styles and techniques was shown, with everyone pushing hard to achieve their very best. Particular congratulations go to the Lower Sixth whose interpretation of Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus was stylish, clean and very tightly performed. Not a move was wasted, not a voice unheard. These events are open for all to see and take place throughout the year. Please get in touch if you would like to watch them. We guarantee originality, dedication and passion for performance. 2ND YEAR DRAMA COMPETITION In response to a set stimulus, the whole second year developed their own plays. They had to be theatrical, serious in intention and creative. The competition produced some super pieces, but the winning one stood out to 92 THE POCKLINGTONIAN the judge as being ‘original, appropriate and emotional’. Exploring PTSD through flashbacks and monologues, still images and direct address were the winning team of Etham Pym, Thomas Benson and Harry Scanlon, with Rory Brooks on lights. Congratulations to all!