Enemies! Well you’ve chosen
the wrong girl here. I’m no
inbred snooty posh girl: I’m
from Leeds! mI’ll beat the
daylights out of you! Come on!
The girls were led by Grace Gledden
as the head of school who is prone to
bursting into tears and her smiling and
supportive sidekick Imogen Gilbey,
both handling the roles with confidence
and leadership. The girls ranged from
the panic-stricken Dora (‘be quiet
Dora!’ was a constant refrain) played by
Alice Chrispin, through Belinda (Isobel
Scanlon) the form head through to the
enemies of Daisy: Hannah Stephenson,
Lani Frost, Lilith Bossmann, Phoebe
Anderson, Ruby Remblance, Ini Risso-
Gill and the snide, sly chief enemy:
Sybil. Freya Stewart was superb here,
bringing a wicked malice to every line.
And then there was Daisy herself. The
casting was impressive for the whole
play but Daisy was absolutely right.
She was confident, secure, smiling and
totally believable. You felt the play was
in safe hands every time she walked on
the stage. Well done Abigail Foster, and
only a 4th year!
Steven Ryan is the set designer for
the Tom Stoppard Theatre and never
ceases to amaze with his constructions.
They are detailed and as good as you
would find in any professional theatre.
After last year’s mud and authentic
farmyard, he built a whole school hall
complete with an oil painting of the
headmaster Mark Ronan and secret
panels. His work matched Mrs White’s
costumes. Again and again Pocklington
School’s theatre produces work of such
visual quality it ought to promoted as
an example of top school productions
across the country. So congratulations
Mr Heaven on rewriting this old
chestnut and to all of you who directed
and choreographed (Ellie-Mae Rooke
and Hannah East) with such style and
energy and to you who lit and rang
bells. We all had a great time.