Pocklington School’s new Headmaster, Toby Seth, has laid
out his vision for taking the School forward – and thanked staff
and pupils for their warm welcome.
Mr Seth took over the reins on January 1st and said the first
week of the new term had been notable for the atmosphere of
positivity throughout the School.
He added: “ There are three aspects to Pocklington School which are
particularly exciting. I like to think of these as the Pillars of Pocklington.
These are the strengths that give us the chance to further develop this
already excellent school.
“One is the prioritisation of academic study, which is evident in the
enthusiasm and focus of teachers and pupils alike. The second is the
wonderful range of co-curricular activities and the expectation that
everybody, staff and pupils, is engaged in those. Third is the wellbeing
of pupils and staff: the number of people actively engaged in promoting
the School community’s welfare is really heartening. Pupils always
have someone to turn should they need support.”
The School is in the process of re-examining its core values
of courage, truth and trust, and Mr Seth asked pupils and
staff to focus on a related attribute, ambition. He urged all
members of the community to set themselves aspirational goals
and be ambitious for their future.
“It might be about aspiring for an A grade instead of a B grade,
or applying for a University that you might feel is a little out of reach,”
he said. “You might have the courage to take that extra risk in lessons,
put your hand up even when you’re not quite sure of the answer. Or aim
to have an interesting lunch-time conversation with the person sitting
next to you? It’s all about marginal gains… over a period of time they
can amount to a significant leap forward.”
Mr Seth, who was previously Deputy Head at the King’s
School in Macclesfield, said he had been impressed by the
“incredibly warm welcome from everyone - support staff,
teachers, pupils and parents” that he had encountered as both
a visitor and as Headmaster.
He added: “There’s a real sense of positivity, a feeling of working
together and that every single person is genuinely part of a strong
community. I’ve been amazed at the dedication of the staff, who
are all really committed and will go the extra mile, whatever their role
at the school.
“The pupils, too, are incredibly engaged and committed in what they
do. There’s a clear camaraderie and a tangible sense of their pride in
their School, with good reason. These strengths are hard to create but
Pocklington School has achieved a very special atmosphere.
“I am very much looking forward to building on these strengths and all
that we can achieve together in the future.”
“The pupils, too, are
incredibly engaged and
committed in what they do.
There’s a clear camaraderie
and a tangible sense of
their pride in their School,
with good reason”.