The Pocklingtonian 2018/19 | Page 43

CCF// REPORT Combined Cadet Force report We have had an extremely busy year of training with 149 cadets across four year groups making up the Contingent. Our Fourth year recruits have risen to the challenge and I would like to congratulate Eleanor Broadbent and Harry Chacksfield who were awarded Recruit of the year for the Army and RAF respectively. Almost 50 Fourth year cadets have opted to stay with the CCF into the Fifth year which is a record number and I hope they enjoy their advanced skill at arms and leadership training along with many other training activities that they will take part in. Henry Foster has ably led the Contingent as Cadet CSM this year, well supported by Cadet CSgt Grace Birch. Henry and his team of Senior NCOs have worked hard to provide a high standard of training, whilst leading from the front at all times. the participating CCF and ACF teams is always keen with stands run by different sections of the Armed Forces. The competition included: indoor rock climbing, code breaking, first aid scenario, bridge building, vehicle recovery, indoor clay shooting, orienteering, obstacle course, trim trail race and pneumatic powered cars that were built by the teams and was decided by the furthest travelled car. They achieved an impressive 6th place (out of 24 teams). FAM training & the blue and bronze wings packages. A record breaking 15 cadets flew and obtained their blue wings in June. The Fifth year Cadre end of year exercise took place at the end of the Lent term and despite the very cold conditions, the patrols, section attacks, ambushes and ration packs were enjoyed by all. 8 cadets have been awarded the Blue Musician Badge for their ability at playing a variety of different instruments. 24 cadets journeyed to Warcop Training Area for Summer Camp 2019. The training was excellent and included: advanced fieldcraft, TIBUA, a day live firing on the range and adventurous training. The training was delivered by regular and reserve army personnel who were hugely impressed by the skills, camaraderie and positive approach demonstrated at all times by the Pocklington team. On Sunday 11th November 2018, 50 cadets and 5 officers took part in the Pocklington Town Remembrance Parade. This is one of the most important events in our calendar and the cadets did themselves and their school very proud by showing the highest level of respect and humility throughout the afternoon. During the course of the Summer holidays Cadet Sgt Lauren Watkins- Hargan took part in a two week long fieldcraft exercise supporting cadets visiting from Canada, whilst Cadet Sgt Afonso Spencer and Cadet Sgt Edward James were selected to complete the Master Cadet course at Frimley Park. Congratulations to these cadets who will take on our Senior NCO roles next year. Lt Andrew Scrowston joined the team of officers in September 2018 as School Staff Instructor and he has proven to be an invaluable asset for the Contingent. THE RAF SECTION HIGHLIGHTS: THE ARMY SECTION HIGHLIGHTS: 10 Fourth year cadets took part in the Welbeck STEM Leadership Competition. The rivalry between RAF Cadets have regular visits to RAF Topcliffe to the VGS to undertake the Aviation Training Package. We have snapped up places when they have become available and all cadets who have wanted have been able complete their Ground Training, Aviation Training Package (ATP) doing the 26 RAF cadets completed the Heartstart First Aid training package. As part of the RAST at INSKIP, our RAF cadets competed in command tasks, RAF knowledge, drill, Shooting, First Aid & Aircraft Recognition. The team was ably led by Esmé Littlewood. We have been working more on Methods of Instruction. Esme Littlewood passed all her assessments and we hope more will follow in order to get their gold instructor cadet lanyard. RAF Summer camp this year was at RAF Halton, near London. Activities included: command tasks and low ropes led by the RAF Halton staff, high ropes at Go Ape Wendover, drill, various sports and we also had a day off base at ESSA Water sports Centre. We visited Hendon RAF museum near London and the Trenchard museum on base at RAF Halton. With dry weapons training and a full day on the ranges as well as a visit to the RAF police dogs section it was an action packed and very enjoyable and rewarding week. ADVENTUROUS TRAINING This was a brilliant week for both CCF RAF and CCF Army cadets. They had a fabulous time taking part in a wide range of adventurous training activities in and around Keswick, Cumbria. Activities included climbing and abseiling, fell walking (across Blencathra in the snow), ghyll scrambling and mountain biking. A highlight was the overnight Bushcraft activity where we canoed across Derwentwater and wild camped on St Herbert’s Island. Sam Cheadle THE POCKLINGTONIAN 41