direction and opened a restaurant. Not
for the faint hearted! I really enjoyed
working with the chefs and the ‘buzz’
from completing a manic service, but
customers tested my patience at times
with their strange demands: “can I
have a prawn salad with no salad at all
please?” I have counted my peas and
my husband has more than me.” There
was much laughter with staff who did
not know a celeriac from a melon and
one who was worried how the sheep
would cope with three legs because we
had ordered a leg of lamb! I sold the
business in March 2017, took a couple of months break and then found myself
back teaching.
CHRIS CHARLES overall ethos of the school makes it a
great place to work. systems work along with the benefits and
risks of technology.
I’m really pleased to be working in
the Computing/IT department at
Pocklington School. The students are
polite, well rounded and happy to get
stuck into any activity. Both students
and staff have been welcoming and the I think that Computer Science and IT
are really interesting and vital subjects
for our students. As the relentless march
of technology doesn’t show any sign
of slowing down it is important for our
students to understand how computer Outside of school I enjoy learning more
about my subject but I also enjoy getting
outside, whether this is walking the dog
with my wife and two young children,
cycling or going for a walk in the
IAN SEDDON tailoring bespoke (custom) suits and
garments for the discerning customer! My name is Ian Seddon and I am
joining Pocklington School as Vocal
Studies Tutor. I look forward to the new start here at
Pocklington, and to meeting the people
here. Please do say hello if you see
me around, and I am not the best at
remembering names and so I apologise
in advance. I have also decided this year to study for
an MMus in Performance, through the
University of West London (LCM) and
this is work-based for one year. Highly
motivated to this and looking forward to
the challenges!
Becoming a teacher was an ambition
that I did not realise until later in my
career. After having worked in the
field of social housing development for
fifteen years, with two teenage children
and a farm to run I decided to study for
a degree in Linguistics and then pursue
a teaching career. Since entering the
profession I have realised that it is one
of the most difficult, but rewarding jobs
I have held.
After nine years I then changed career
In addition to my role at the school,
teaching one-to-one lessons in Classical
Singing, Popular Music Vocals and
Music Theatre, I am also the Assistant
Organist at Beverley Minster and a
Music Examiner for the London College
of Music (LCM). I have just returned
from a wonderful Examination tour that
lasted throughout the month of August,
in China and Macau, visiting many
cities en route, including Shanghai and
Nanjing, and returning from Hong
Kong quite recently.
Also, for many years, I was in business
in Manchester, and I am a qualified
Bespoke Tailor. My father and I
operated a company with 25 employees
I have a passion for all types of music.
I perform three times per week at
Beverley Minster, accompanying the
choir and the services there, and with
the choir when on tour abroad or in the
I was also involved in Music Theatre
and Dramatics, and also in the
Northern Club circuit in my younger
days, when my brother was drummer
and I was keyboard and synths. A
great time, and great experience too,
backing live artists each night, with no
I do not have specific hobbies but in my
time I have managed a team at Selby
RUFC junior section for 10 years, with
my husband as their coach. I have
calved and reared cattle on our farm
and most recently project managed the
building of a house for my son. I have
‘been’ many things, ‘done’ many things,
but teaching is my passion and teaching
at Pocklington is a pleasure.
And so, please do say ‘hello’. I will be
pleased to meet you !