their results, as part of the Royal Society-supported
Spectroscopy in a Suitcase scheme.
The scientific measurement technique records how molecules
respond to infrared light, and each student used it to analyse
their aspirin sample. Tiny traces of other substances were
identified, showing an average 50% purity.
IR spectroscopy has a wide range of applications in both
research chemistry and wider society. It’s used to help identify
the structure of complex molecules in space, to analyse works
of art and in Formula 1 motor racing. Many breathalysers
used by police forces to determine levels of alcohol in breath
are IR spectrometers.
James also brought a powerful NMR (nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy) machine with him to the School
chemistry labs. He showed students how it works and discussed
its use in chemical research at the University.
Two events on the same day brought Chemistry students’
laboratory work to life by showing the real world application
of theories and skills they have mastered in lessons.
Four Second Year pupils represented the School at Salter’s
Festival of Chemistry at the University of York, while A
Level students used a University of Bradford spectrometer to
inspect the purity of samples they had created in the School
Second Years Kate Scott-Clappison, Zac Stewart, Will Jones
and Eve Levitt competed against other local schools in the
Salter’s Festival, which involved using their knowledge of
Chemistry to solve two enjoyable challenges.
They then listened to a lecture about colour; how fireworks
relate to chemistry and how bioluminescence works. They also
had a look at different acidities and alkalis and how they react
with different indicators.
Kate said: “Overall we had a great day and I think we did well.
We were very close to a competition prize but sadly did not
quite reach our target.”
Meanwhile, the practical skills of Pocklington School A
Level students were put to the test when the Royal Society
of Chemistry sent an expert from the University of Bradford
to help them test the purity of aspirins they had synthesised
in lessons.
James Machell brought an infrared spectrometer to inspect
The NMR is used to determine how proteins fold, twist
and coil, and to evaluate the proportions of solid and liquid
components in fatty foodstuffs such as margarines and low-fat
spreads. NMR is also used a lot in pharmaceutical sciences and
medicine, for example: the diagnosis of tissue abnormalities
and body scanning by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Jenny McDowell, Head of Chemistry, said: “Both experiences
were most enjoyable and valuable for our Chemistry students.
The Second Year team did tremendously well and learned
a great deal, and our Upper Sixth students were able to
appreciate the important use of the spectroscopy equipment in
research, medicine and other areas to benefit our lives.”