Following the retirement of Wing
Commander Mike Evans, Captain
Samantha Cheadle was appointed
as Contingent Commander from
September 2017. Once again, the
Contingent has had a very busy year
and our Senior NCO team, ably led
by Cadet CSM Harry Heywood and
Colour Sergeant Katherine Fuller,
have more than risen to the challenge.
Group Captain Nick Tucker-Lowe
visited the Contingent in May as our
Inspecting Officer. After starting the
day with a Ceremonial Guard Parade,
he toured through an afternoon of
training activities and had plenty of
opportunity to talk tour cadets too. It
was a fabulous day; the cadets were
a true credit to their Contingent and
their School.
With a strong, engaged set of Fourth
Year recruits, the Army section has
been able to develop its teaching
programme by; strengthening its
Field craft and Skill at Arms training,
rewriting the Map and Compass
syllabus and the addition of survival
training has proven very popular. We
have also found time to fire on the
Ranges at Strensall and carry out our
blank firing exercise too. Every cadet
has worked hard with enthusiasm,
embracing the opportunity to venture
out of their comfort zone.
In April, ten Fourth year cadets took
part in the Welbeck Cadet STEM
Leadership competition. The weekend
was designed to test the initiative,
communication and teamwork skills
of the team of cadets. We participated
with true Pock determination and
enthusiasm, and dominated several
stands including the orienteering and
obstacle course. Sixty teams applied
to take part in the weekend and out
of the twenty-three that were selected,
we finished in third place. What an
Our 2017/18 Fifth Year NCO Cadre
Training Programme has been very
successful and we have a strong set
of leaders who will join our current
Lower Sixth Cadets in leading and
organising the Fourth year training
next year. The Overnight Cadre
Exercise took place in March and was
the highlight of the year for our Fifth
Year and Upper Sixth Cadets.
Cadet Head of Army 2017/18:
Charlotte Tucker-Lowe
It has been another good year for
cadets in the RAF section. All RAF
section cadets will have had the
opportunity to experience the thrills of
powered flying at least once this year
with some having three flights. We
continue to have good opportunities
to shoot both small bore on our indoor
tube range and full bore (LS98) at
Strensall ranges.
Highlights of our Summer Camp at
RAF Inskip were visits to 100 Sqn and
Reduce to Replace at RAF Leeming
and a visit to BAE Systems Warton
(No22), as well as trips to Go Ape
Tree Top Adventure, Rivington and
Having competed at the RAF
College Cranwell Eastern Area
annual ground training competition
in November for many years, AST
INSKIP proved a new challenge for
our cadets. Although we sent a fairly
inexperienced team we were glad to
have competed and pleased to have
acquitted ourselves well in some areas,
notably the drill competition.
We have also visited 645 Volunteer
Gliding Squadron (VGS) at RAF
Topcliffe. As part of our training,
cadets used three fully functioning
Grob vigilant cockpits to carryout
synthetic flying training, putting
the classroom theory into practice
with VGS instructors. Our cadets
completed the Cadet Aviation
Familiarisation Course and have since,
gain their full blue or bronze wings.
Cadet Head of RAF 2017/18:
Louisa Cullen