amidst the inkwells, paper clips and
quills was a modern computer made
for such a job. Peter spent many happy
hours hunting up data on it.
Hockey has always been a passion for
Peter. He played for York Hockey Club
outside of school and for 33 years was
in charge of the first XI boy’s hockey
team. He has consistently provided safe,
knowledgeable, secure and experienced
skills with his hockey training. He has
also been hugely committed to umpiring
school hockey matches. Whatever the
weather, Pete took enormous pride in
this aspect of his life. He is a superb
hockey player with strength and stamina
and has guided many players to success.
His care to the students over the years
has been hugely appreciated and
we wish him every happiness in his
retirement. His lovely wife Kay can
finally reclaim him through August.
After 39 years, it is fair to say that he is somewhat of a Pock
Martin aka ‘Butch’, has been a true ambassador for the
biology department and has inspired countless pupils, many
now Pock parents, into following their dreams to university
and careers around the world. Butch is one in a million and
to say it has been an honour and a privilege to work with him
is an understatement. His biology lessons, to the last, were
incredibly engaging, entertaining and he made learning fun!
The rare thing about Butch is he made all of that look easy,
we all know it is quite the opposite. Butch would take the time
to really get to know his pupils and would go the extra mile to
support their needs. He was able to light a spark and gave so
many pupils the confidence to believe in themselves when they
might otherwise have crumbled under the pressure.
Behind the scenes, Butch advised and supported many pupils
in their university applications, giving much needed help, in
particular to those applying for medicine, veterinary science
and physiotherapy courses. He was always on hand to practice
interviews and would be sure to throw an off the wall challenge
their way just to make sure they were ready for the big day.
Butch was Dolman Sixth Form Tutor, Non Resident Tutor
in Fenwick Smith Boarding House, Rugby Coach, i/c. Golf
and he ran the school ski trip for many years. His rugby career
includes an undefeated record as 1st XV Head Coach (one
match, one win) and his final year as 1st XV Team Manager.
He has earned his retirement and although he will be sadly
missed in the biology department and around the school, his
wicked sense of humour, generous heart and dedication to
Pocklington will not be forgotten. I am sure all Pock staff and
students will join me in wishing Butch, Louise and their family
all of the very best for the future.
One final thought that we can all be certain of: his golf handicap
will be plummeting with all these free Saturdays!
Leila joined Pocklington in 2013 and,
since taking the reins at Orchard, she
established a wonderfully warm and
well-run boarding house. The girls have
flourished under her care and Leila
leaves behind a strong team to continue
her good work. stylish boarding house. What was once
perhaps a rather utilitarian building
now has interiors that would grace the
backdrops of any Boden or John Lewis
catalogue. If you have never been to
Orchard (shame on you) but it really is
a lovely looking house and the girls are
rightly proud of it. Any one who visits
Orchard is impressed - not least the ISI
inspectorate (so well done Leila).
Leila has also, by the way, created a very Leila has taken up an exciting opportunity
to return to a career with Yorkshire Police
as a detective. Our loss is the also the loss
of the Yorkshire Criminal Fraternity - I
wish them luck with Leila on their case!
Leila, Andrew, Janek and Lottie have
been a great part of Pocklington life and
we wish them all much happiness.