The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Page 52
Typha angustifolia
It is a herb, perennial plant, rhizomatous.
English: lesser bulrush
Average height from 1 to 3 metres. The
Spanish: espadaƱa, aenea
bark colour is green and brown. This plant
is the favourite of the ducks, it has
cylindrical stems.
The leaf is simple, almost
all basal, linear, more than
15 mm wide.
The leafs are flat,
elongated and thin.
The inflorescences are
cylindrical, very densely
arranged and separated the
male and female flowers,
these are supported by a
long central stem.
Unisexual flowers arranged
in a compact spadix with a
pure appearance, the
female ones in the lower
part, wider and darker or
black, and the males in the
upper, narrower and more
In spite of the seeds,
the most effective
reproduction of the
bulrush is vegetative,
through its roots,
where more and more
specimens emerge, until
the plant ends up
invading a good part of
the river