The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Page 42

TAMARIX SP English: Tamarix sp Spanish: Tamariz Estonian: Portuguese: Tamargueira This is a tree, it average is 15 m tall. And it is reddish brown and with age they become brownish purple. Finally it has got big roots. Albanian: Turkish: Flowers This is a tree, it average is 15 m tall. And it is reddish brown and with age they become brownish purple. Finally it has got big roots. Leaves The leaves are scale-like and blue- green in color, almost like that of junipers 1–2 mm long, and overlap each other along the stem. They are often encrusted with salt secretions. Ther are rhombic to ovate, sharply pointed to gradually tapering, and 0.5 –3.0 mm long. The margins of the leaves are thin, dry and membranaceus. Fruit The seeds are about 0.02 in. long x 0.007 and are held in a lance-ovoid capsule from 3-4 mm long.