Rubus chamaemorus L
English : Ripe cloudberry , knoutberry Spanish : Mora de los Pantanos Estonian : rabamurakas Portuguese : Amora-ártica Turkish : gülgiller Catalan : Móra vermella
Rubus chamaemorus is a rhizomatous herb native to cool temperate , alpine , arctic tundra and boreal forest . Unlike most Rubus species , the cloudberry is dioecious , and fruit production by a female plant requires pollination from a male plant . The cloudberry grows to 10 – 25 cm high .
Flowers 4-6 white leaves , female and male flowers .
The leaves alternate between having 5 and 7 soft , handlike lobes on straight , branchless stalks .
Fruit consisting of between 5 and 25 drupelets , each fruit is initially pale red , ripening into an amber color in early autumn . Fruits are golden-yellow , soft and juicy , and are rich in vitamin C . When eaten fresh , cloudberries have a distinctive tart taste . When over-ripe , they have a creamy texture .
Authors Henri Kaseväli , Jarmo Pihl