The plants around us. Volum II The plant around us. Volum II | Page 19
Gastronomic use
Properties, Medicinal use
Antacid: decreases the acidity of the
In large pot steam sliced
Wild apples fruit is a date and is not
apples 1- 2 minutes.
Prevents cancer. Reduce tension.
. Cool 1- 2 minutes.
. Add the rest of the
A very pleasant tea can be made
from the leaves.
ingredients and pie filler is
It helps to eliminate toxins through
the urine.
ready to use.
Hint When dealing with large
quantities of apples I prepare
Reduce the cholesterol level.
double and triple batches of
the pie filler, cool and set into
It helps us to reduce the temperature
when we have fever.
the fridge while preparing the
I find using the recipe 'Lemon
The fruit is eaten to obviate
constipation. Tang Pastry' which was
The crushed fruit pulp can be used
as a poultice to heal inflammations
or small flesh wounds. Helps to heal
the skin in case of burns. pastry works so very well
passed to me as no-fail
making the preparation of
pies for the freezer a snap.
Time depends on how fast
you can prepare the apples,
The fruit is astringent and laxative.
those with experience do get
throught prep time quickly
Used for jellies, preserves and
juices. The flavour improves
considerably if the fruit is not
harvested until it has been frosted.