The Pioneer Vol. 44, No. 7 | Page 16

Bulletin Board ADULT CHOIR The adult choir rehearses every ThursPASTORAL FRIENDS ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU day at 6:15 PM. For more information, contact our music director, Gregory If you have (or someone you know has) expe- Hayes at [email protected]. rienced a setback that has left you hospitalized, ill, or in need of rides, meals, visits, or other services, please contact Anne Lombard (586-7509 or [email protected]). Also, contact one of us if you would like to be on our Pastoral Friends list to help. WE GIVE — OTHERS LIVE Please donate a non-perishable grocery item each time you attend a service. Put it in the Generosity Box in the foyer. Our generous donations help individuals and families who go to the Survival Center to obtain food to meet their needs. PIONEER SUBMISSIONS Make sure everyone knows about your committee event or USNF news! Send articles and announcements to [email protected] with PIONEER in the subject line. Next deadline is March 17. The Pioneer 16