The Pioneer Vol. 44, No. 7 | Page 11

Reports & Articles Make Money for the Unitarian Society While You Shop for Groceries! Here’s How it Works:  Buy grocery gift cards during social hour in the Parlor.  You pay $1 for each $1 of card value. It costs you nothing extra, but the Society purchases the cards at a 5% discount.  Cards from local supermarkets are available in denominations of $25, $50, $100 and $200.  Use your gift cards every time you buy groceries – they work at the checkout just like cash. Any amount unspent remains on the card for a subsequent use.  Cards are available for Stop and Shop, Big Y and River Valley Co-op. Every time you buy $100 worth of groceries, the Society gets $5. If you shop at local supermarkets, please support this effort. If more of us did this every week, it would be a windfall for all the Society’s programs. Contributions to Transylvania Youth Heritage Trip Fund Needed! from Cathie Brown We have 9 youth who have applied to travel on the Youth Heritage Trip to Homoródkarácsonyfalva this summer. This started as a collaborative effort between the Youth Group and the Partner Church Committee and has grown to a Society sponsored event. Each family will contribute towards the youth’s trip and we provide the remainder of the funds with proceeds from our various fund raisers. We are well on our way to raising the funds needed to send all of the youth, but more is still needed. Every contribution is a tremendous help and is greatly appreciated. Contributions can be made by submitting a check made out to USNF with Partner Church Fund in the memo line or by accessing our