The Pioneer May, 2014 | Page 9

Reports & articles Step 5: Celebrate! We will announce your decision in our Sunday Times bulletin, and celebrate and welcome you and other new members at a worship service in the spring. We’ll encourage you to discover other ways to deepen your connections here. And we’ll invite you to a social event with other new and more seasoned members where you can get acquainted by sharing your stories about your spiritual path. Contact information: Cathy Lilly, Coordinator Membership Journey [email protected] 413 568-8027 Jan Nettler, Chair Newcomers Connection Team [email protected] Reverend Janet Bush [email protected] 584-1390 News flash! The UUA Board has come out publicly in support of the UUA fossil fuel divestment resolution to be voted by UUA delegates at the General Assembly in June. The UUA resolution is similar but not identical to the USNF divestment resolution on which our congregation will vote on May 18. Youth Heritage Trip to Transylvania In late June, eight youth from our congregation and their two chaperones will be off on a religious heritage trip to Transylvania and a visit to our partner church in Homoródkarácsonyfalva . Thanks to all who have helped fund this trip! We have a gap of $880 to close before the final payments are due at the end of May. If you are able to contribute, please make your check out to USNF and put Partner Church Fund in the memo line. The youth and their chaperones, Laurel Foster-Moore and Kate Kruckemeyer, will be bringing a photo book as a gift to our sister congregation. If you have any photos of your committee, the choir, or any other events at USNF and would like to contribute them, please email them to cathiebr [email protected]. We will also be taking a group photo on our front steps on a Sunday, possibly after the COA credo service. We hope to include as many of you as possible. An announcement of the exact date will be posted in the Sunday Times. Cathie Brown and Joan O’Brien, co-chairs Partner Church Committee 9