Reports & Articles
words or inspiring speeches, I can with policy-writing, bookkeeping, leading committee meetings and
maintaining channels of communication. These useful activities allow others to go out from this congregation, not worrying about the details of back-office work, confident of the security of our future
together, and speak for the change that the world needs. When others do this my voice and my values
are amplified.”
So, what do we do here that matters most to you? What are your hopes and dreams for the Society?
The Stewardship Committee (Bob Barker, Janet Bush, Cathy Lilly, David Nelson, Jon Sass and I)
would be happy to hear from you. Please find us at an upcoming service and share your thoughts
with us. Then come to Stewardship Sunday on March 2 and celebrate our amazing vibrant committed community together.
For details on this year’s stewardship campaign, please visit and click on
“community life/stewardship.”
“Embracing the Dark Side”
Small Group Ministry
In the dark of the year, Small Groups continue to meet. My own group was reduced in numbers this
month due to various personal reasons, but the five of us who met had an intense evening. “Anger is
loaded with information and energy…We cannot allow our fear of anger to deflect us nor seduce us
into settling for anything less than the hard work of excavating honesty.” –Audre Lorde
It was interesting that as we explored our experiences with anger, we all referred back to our families of
origin. Expressing, or repressing, anger is a big deal. It matters, and as we have said, it is the work of
Small Groups to talk about things that matter. This was a tough one. Our themes for the year, of compassion, connection and courage, all came into play as we shared our stories. How is anger expressed in
your family? How do you express anger? Can you do it in a kind and constructive way? What happens
if you don’t express it? “Anger is just anger. It isn’t good. It isn’t bad. It just is. What you do with it is
what matters. It’s like anything else. You can use it to build or destroy. You have to make the choice.”
–Jim Butcher
Next month we explore “The Power of Kindness.” “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
–Dalai Lama
Katie Olmstead
The Pioneer 6