Events & Workshops
USNF CPR/Defibrillator Training
Saturday, March 29, 2014
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Northampton Fire Department,
26 Carlon Drive, Northampton (off King St.)
The House and Property and the Safe Relations Committees have been working together to increase
USNF’s ability to respond to medical emergencies in our building. House and Property secured a grant
that partially funded the acquisition of a defibrillator for our use. The Committee w as able to make up
the difference out of its budget. The defibrillator has arrived and we expect that it will be stored in the
Parlor and be available for use soon.
Thanks to the members and friends who responded to our call for people who have already been certified in CPR and trained in the use of a defibrillator. This group will soon be receiving an invitation to
attend a brief orientation about the new defibrillator. It is also important to increase our number of CPR
-certified members, friends and staff. We have made arrangements to sponsor CPR training in March,
which the Northampton Fire Department has graciously offered to provide to USNF free of charge.
Those who complete the training will be awarded CPR certification.
REGISTRATION: Please contact Lisa in the office to register ([email protected]). All are
welcome, but space is limited. We will try to arrange for a second session if there is enough interest.
QUESTIONS? Contact Jeff Dahlberg ([email protected]) or Corky Klimczak
([email protected])
“Standing on the Side of UU Values: Putting Difficult
Conversations into Action”
Monday, March 31, 6:45-7:00 PM, Refreshments, Parlor
7:00 – 8:30 PM, Workshop
We can make a difference if we take a stand when we see relationships at risk or witness a situation that
could be emotionally or physically unsafe. In this interactive discussion, we’ll build on last fall’s Difficult Conversations workshop and draw upon UU values to consider when and how to act when we find
ourselves in unexpected situations that call for our resolve and intervention. Practice exercises are based
on relational challenges similar to those we’ve faced in our USNF community
This workshop is presented by the Safe Relations Committee. All are welcome. Participation in the
earlier Difficult Conversations workshop is not a pre-requisite (we'll provide handouts). Child care is
available with pre-registration. Watch for further details in the March Pioneer and the Sunday Times.
The Pioneer 16