The Pioneer February 2014 | Page 11

Reports & Articles Adults with Winter Doldrums? Join a Circle Luncheon/Supper Meet and socialize with other adult members/friends of the congregation at a Circle Luncheon or Circle Supper. These are not pot-lucks. If you sign up, you MUST attend (unless there’s a death in the family, life threatening illness or the like.) Alice Zuvers will co-coordinate host/hostess, location and attendees. The host/hostess will choose the date, time, location, and who brings what portion of the meal. These events will be scheduled to take place during the first two weeks of March. If you sign up to host/hostess, it will be your responsibility to contact those attending. Please complete this form by February 25 and snail mail it or e-mail the information to: Alice Zuvers 48 Holy Family Road Apt. 303 Holyoke, MA 01040 [email protected] We will plan for child-friendly groups closer to spring-time when folks can be outside. Host a Circle Luncheon/Circle Supper ____YES, I/We can host/hostess a circle Luncheon/Dinner (please circle one--or both.) ____I/We can host/hostess M Tu W Th F Sat Sun (circle one or more.) ____I/We have a cat/dog (other animal__________________.) ____I/We can accommodate __________ people (in addition to you.) ____I/We would like the meal to be gluten free/vegetarian/anything goes (circle one.) ****************************************************************************************** Attend a Circle Luncheon/Circle Supper ____Fill in number of people ____I/We (or one of us) is allergic to cat/dog/other __________________(circle and/or indicate) ____I/We want a gluten free meal/vegetarian meal. I/we eat (almost) anything. ____I/We prefer a luncheon/dinner (circle one.) ____I/We are available M, Tu, W, Th, Fr, Sat Sun (circle one or more.) Name(s) of attendees: _________________________________________________________________________________ Town/City of Residence ___________________________________________________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________________________________________ Anything I forgot to ask/include______________________________________________________ The Pioneer 11