The Pioneer December 2013 Vol. 44, No. 4 | Page 11
Reports & articles
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
by Heather Johnson
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the first worldwide agreement asserting the
rights of all human beings. It was signed in 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations in
response to the horrific genocide of World War II. Eleanor Roosevelt was instrumental in getting the
UDHR written and approved by the UN.
The Declaration encompasses social as well as civil rights, covering many pressing issues of today,
such as the right to live a life that is safe and free of violence and torture, the right to food, shelter,
healthcare, the right to an adequate standard of living, right to education, and much, much more.
Many countries around the world actually use the UDHR in their schools to teach about human rights
and encourage empathy and conflict resolution, responsibility for each other, mutual understanding,
and advocacy for rights. The human rights described in the UDHR have not yet been achieved in this
country and throughout the world, which is why it continues to be an important and inspiring guide
Poinsettias are purchased to decorate our Great Hall on December 23 and 24.
You are welcome to bring “yours” home any time after the 7 PM Christmas Eve service.
Please complete and return the following form to the office by December 8th.
Your Name(s)___________________________________
In honor of___________________________
In Memory of____________________________
Number of Poinsettias at $10 ea. _____________
Total amount enclosed
*Please make check out to Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence
Please check one:
___ I will collect my poinsettias after December 25th
The Pioneer 11
____ I will not collect my poinsettias