As a student of Plato, Arisotle recieved only the best education. He went on to write about many sujbect, not staying exclusive to philosophy and had a famous student or two, namely, Alexander the Great. Aristotle is even regarded as the first genuine scientist in history.
Guanilo of Marmoutiers ished some light on his opinion regarding the existence of God in his famous and only known work: The Lost Island Refutation, in which he disputes a well known argument in favour of the existence of God. If you're interested in the God debate, Guanilo is the philosopher for you!
Skeptic, empricist, compatibilist, David Hume is a brilliant philosopher when it comes to the free-will arguement. Hume has many theories cover a large range of topics, and influenced many philosophers after him.
Plato, student of Socrates, teacher to Aristotle, may be one of the most well known philosophers of all time, having learned much from Socrates and becomng his most famous student. Plato was credited with the recording of many of Socrate's famous dialogues and opening his own academy to continue the sharing of knowlege.
The Top five philosophersyou should know