The Philippine Printer Volume 2 | Page 38

“Help! We Need New Receipts ASAP!” Come to Your Clients’ Rescue with the Fastest, LowestCost, Hardworking New RISO ComColor Inkjet Printer with Automatic Numbering I n a recent move by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), corporate entities and entrepreneurs are required to use new receipts by October 31, 2013. This is a two-month extension from the original deadline of August 31, 2013. The BIR cites as the reason for the extension printers’ failure to service the printing requirements of new receipts on time. The tax bureau accredited 2,250 printers to service the printing requirements of registered taxpayers. This means that printers have only two months to address the deluge of receipt printing requirements from businesses that don’t want to be penalized for using old receipts. This scenario is just the kind of challenge the new RISO ComColor 9150 inkjet printer is built for. With a print speed of 150 pages per minute, this wunder printer ensures fast turnaround time, accomplishing the bulk job orders in, well, no time. Its variable data printing (VDP) feature with automatic numbering and capacity to print on NCR (carbonless) paper combined with its low printing cost—as low as P0.50 per color print and as low as P0.20 per black and white print for 5% ink coverage!— makes the ComColor seem especially designed for printing receipts. The BIR directive on the use of new receipts is being implemented “to address leakage in revenue collection due to the proliferation of fake receipts.” It is also being done to make sure that businesses will not be “forced” to use the printers “recommended” by some unscrupulous BIR personnel. How to Spot Fake Receipts Here are some tips to help consumers spot to help Here are some tipsthe counterfeits: consumers wrong name • Limited information. If a • Incorrect information: spot the counterfeits: timeyou get andstrip of paper with just a stamp the or contact info, misspelled address or company name, miscalculated sales tax or prices. • Incorrect product codes. This may be checked against an online listing of the company’s merchandise. • Texture and appearance that appear doubtful. No watermark when there should be one, or weird-looking patterns. Best to compare against a valid receipt from the same store. • Receipts that are too crisp, with no wrinkles or smudges, may be fake. prices of goods purchased, then it may not be legit. Some companies will name the product bought, together with their code numbers, a return policy statement, and contact information. Sources: