The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation | Page 9
W E R E T H E A I M S &
O B J E C T I V E S A C H I E V E D ?
In order to address and evaluate not only the tangible elements of the event
- the factual data including finances and operations - Enigma Events gained
verbal and written feedback from all stakeholders in order to assess the
intangible elements - including experience and feelings (Sharples, Crowther,
May, & Orefice, 2014). Responses from attendees via word of mouth on the
night and post-event surveys revealed all attendees enjoyed the experience,
would recommend it to a friend and would attend again.
The 7-week marketing campaign was followed and posts were
always released on the correct day, however, the time of day was
often inconsistent. Post engagement was not as high as anticipated
but the overall campaign was successful.
All attendees voted 8 and above with the majority voting 10. Despite props and set
not being hired from a supplier and all marketing material being designed in-house,
the theme was consistent throughout the entire event and attendee feedback
supported this. This objective was achieved.
38 people attended event however only 29 bought tickets, 5 tickets were given
away as payment for services (photographer/actors) or as a result of the 4 for 3
ticket offer and 4 tickets were reserved for tutors and charity representatives. All
tickets were not sold at least 2 weeks in advance and were sold up until the day
before the event took place. This objective was not achieved.
The event raised £464 from ticket sales and £103 on the night from
raffle tickets and refreshment. Mugshots were not sold due to last
minute volunteer drop outs meaning that core staff were needed
elsewhere and did not have time to print out the photographs.