The Perth Mint 2022 January Coin Catalogue 2022 | Page 2

New release

Authentic opal

This captivating silver proof coin incorporates authentic Australian opal in its tiger-shaped centrepiece .
A stunning keepsake for anyone born in the Year of the Tiger , the coin also portrays representations of cineraria flowers – lucky omens for those who believe their lives are influenced by the third animal in the ancient lunar calendar .
With previous releases in this popular annual series fully sold out , collectors with a passion for unique coins featuring opal inserts should act swiftly to avoid disappointment .
Australian Opal Lunar Series
2022 Year of the Tiger 1oz Silver Proof Coin 22J26AAA
$ 130 . 00
- $ 1.00 Australian legal tender
- 99.99 % pure silver
- 36.60 mm ø
- 5,000 mintage
1 perthmint . com / lunar