The perfect gift SS24 ENG Profilkatalogen_SS24_digital_ENG_ | Page 4


Now the light is returning !

Strong brands for other strong brands . That ’ s how we see ourselves and the purpose of our existence at A way of living , with the brands Sagaform , Byon , Victorian , and Vakinme . We want other brands and companies to feel proud and secure to be associated with us . Together , we can convey the best possible message for the customer through our products and offerings . Whether it ’ s a seasonal gift , anniversary present , or corporate merchandise , it should be crystal clear that it comes from strong brands that build even stronger brands . And speaking of clarity , it ’ s finally that time again , for brighter days and warm moments are finally on the way . Welcome spring and summer 2024 !
There is a strong need for all of us now , not only for the days to become brighter but also for the world we live in . In times when the outside world feels uncertain and unsafe , it becomes especially important to work with products , individuals , and companies that share our common values . Being part of an environment where solidarity plays a crucial role in business and where we actively create opportunities for mutual growth . During this season , as in all others , the significance of sharing moments together with you remains unchanged . It remains central .
We also continue to develop products that align with increased well-being and , of course , in combination with sustainable material choices . The season ’ s catalog is organized in the simplest possible way , starting with our gift card , followed by our strongest seasonal gifts and warmest recommendations , along with tips on refinement and suggestions for packaging . We conclude with a selection of products that we believe will appeal to you the most from our brands .
Fill your and your customers ’ spring and summer with unforgettable moments with us . Welcome to a bright and energy-filled spring and summer !
Team Sagaform AB CEO , Christer Hallberg