Volume 13, Issue 02
Page 8
The Dog Kennel
Pet Winter Safety:
Prepping Your Pet
for Winter Weather
When the weather outside is frightful, these winter pet tips can keep your precious pets snug, safe, and warm.
by Wendy C. Fries
WebMD Pet Health Feature
If you have a dog that spends most of its me romping in your backyard, or a ki y that whiles away the day in
a sunny patch on the front porch, winter's arrival may be a rude awakening. Sure, your precious pets are covered in
fur. But many just aren’t equipped to be out in frigid temperatures for prolonged periods.
So how can you make sure your four‐legged friends are warm and well‐cared for when the mercury dips? WebMD
talked to veterinarians and pet owners and got their top ps on winter safety for pet ̳