Volume 13, Issue 02
Page 18
Book Review
Morale Officer
This month’s review is not an individual book
but E E Knight’s VAMPIRE EARTH series. The first thing
to be aware of is that the vampires in this series is not
your Dracula style vampire but an alien life form
called the Kurians.
The Kurians came to Earth a er the planet suffered a series of cataclysmic clima c chang‐
es. They promised help and stability to a world turned upside down. What they actually brought
was a reign of terror. Through the use of avatars known as Reapers, the Kurians established
themselves at the top of the food chain. They had found the means to be immortal, feeding off
the aura of living things by way of the Reapers with humans being the food of choice. Reapers
literally suck the life from a human and through a psychic connec on, pass the life force to their
Kurian controller. To preserve their own lives and to become a power in their own right, some
humans become collaborators, or Quislings, selling their fellow human beings into slavery. A er
forty years of occupa on, the human Resistance is gaining ground, freeing humans one town at
a me. Among the heroes of the Resistance is David Valen ne.
The first nine books center on the adventures of David Valen ne. They follow his rise from
recruit to Lieutenant to Major in the army of Southern Command. He rises to the level of
“Wolf”, Green Beret type of soldier. From there he becomes a “Cat”, a covert opera ve, infil‐
tra ng the Kurian Forces rising to the rank of Colonel as he demoralizes Kurian troops and leads
them into a revolt against their Masters. Along the way, he gets on the wrong size of a Southern
Command General which ul mately leads to his arrest and a death sentence. Yet, under the
threat of death, he con nues his fight to free Earth.
he tenth book is basically a standalone novel wri en in the first person by Ahn Kha, a
“Grog” born on Earth but descended aliens brought to Earth to put down the human rebellion.
While there are references to the other novels, this is a first person account of his life as a slave
in the West Virginia coal mines and the rebellion of the miners against both the Kurians but also
the greedy mine owners who ruled the area in the style of feudal lords.
All in all, an exci ng series in the tradi on of alien conquest and resistance. An eleventh
novel will be released in the near future and I’m looking forward to it.