Volume 12, Issue 09
Page 10
Book Review
Morale Officer
For those of us in the US, WW2 begin in 1941. For Canada, other Bri sh Common Wealth
and European Na ons it was 1939. But for Asia it was 1931 when Japan took over Manchuria. For
8 long years the Asian Con nent faced the onslaught of Japanese aggression before the Western
Powers became o?cially involved. This is one of the VERY FEW scholarly works dedicated to that
As I’ve said in past reviews, I seldom read non- ?c on. I can’t honestly say what made me
read this book. I think it might have been morbid curiosity. I ?rst read it several years ago from
the library but recently something made me go back to it and I purchased the eBook. As I had
previously read it, it couldn’t be curiosity any longer. I just can’t say why I went back to it. For whatever reason, it drove home that we,
MAN (in CAPS deliberately), are lower than animals. Animals kill for food, animals engaged in intercourse for procrea on, animals don’t
kill or rape for the sheer “enjoyment” or simply because they can. Humans do. And not humans of undeveloped countries but those of
advanced na ons.
We in the West have learned in school of the HOLOCAUST in which 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of others, from
Gypsies to homosexuals to clergy were put to death. But how many of us have heard of the atroci es Japanese troops commi ed on the
populous of the then capital of China. In 6 WEEKS more Chinese were killed than in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the Ba le
of Britain, or the bombing of Dristan, or almost anything else you can think of. This was NOT a Mai Li massacre where one unit went berserk. This was an atrocity ORDERED by the highest Army o?cials. Soldiers were TAUGHT that the Chinese were theirs to use and abuse.
Chinese soldiers who had surrendered had their hands ed behind their backs and shot. They were used for LIVE BAYONET pracce. Two Japanese Sub-Lieutenants held a compe on that was PUBLISHED in the newspapers as to who could cut o? the most heads
with their swords. When it couldn’t be determined who won, they ?gured it was a draw at around 150.
I can’t begin to describe what happened to the women. Females from BELOW the age of 12 to grandmothers of over 80 were
raped to the point of death. Women were conscripted for the soldiers’ “comfort houses”. Soldiers were told to either kill their vic ms or
pay them. The vic ms were killed. Fetuses were cut from wombs and tossed on bayonets. This is documented.
Atroci es were so beyond belief that HARD CORE NAZIS’s protested. A movie was made called SCHIDLER’S LIST telling how
Schidler saved many Jews from death. No movie was made for John Rade who ?ew the Swas ka over the gates of the Interna onal Compound and protected the women who literally crawled on their knees to him. A man who protested the Japanese outrage to Hitler himself as Germany and Japan were then Allies. And while Rabe had the Swas ka to protect him, many other Westerners and Americans put
their lives on the line daily for the Chinese ?[?K??p?[Y\?X?[??;? ?Y???\????????[?0??[\Y0?[?p?[????K??p?T???[????]0?S?Vp??\???[????[p??Z[???????X?0???X?[Y?\?[??????]0?\??&]0??\?p?p??Y?[????\????N??U8?&T???T?p???p???????p???0??]0?p?????????p???0??]0?p?[?\??H?[0?\??\??????p???0??]0?p??\???[Yp??X[?????p???0??]0?p???T??T??????H?[0??X\??????\?p???p??????H\??Y]0??\?p????p???????\?p????p??^K0????S?Hp???p??p???&]0??????p?]?p????[?0?[??p??]p???p???\?[?0?[?0??^K8?)??)??)??p???&]0??????]0??p????[0??^K??\??\?p??\?\??\?????NL??0??p?]\?0??\?0??[?0?[??p??]\?????[??[????\?]?\??^p?\?p?[?0??^K0?8?'\?p?\?p?[?\??^p????X????'p??????0???T?????p????&]0?\???^?p?????X?p?\??p??V?T????]?\?0????p??]0?x?&]?p??XY0?\???[YY??[??p??V?T??\?p??\???????]0?p??Y?????????\??0???0??X?X[0??\\?[?]K??\???]\??[??????\?X[?p?[??NL?0?p??\??[?\????]Y0??p?p??\?\?????\??[?R?\[?\?p??Y[[????[?0??H\??p??\???p?p??\??X[???[?0???H?0?????Z[???p?XY\????p??V?T??\?p?[???[??[???Y]0?]?[???[???\?p?H\??p??\?0?p??[?\?p????[??[????S?0?Sp??T?p?P??Q?T??0??????p?Y?Z[?0??\?p???p???????